Inga ruiziana

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Inga ruiziana
Eurosiden I
Order : Fabales (Fabales)
Family : Legumes (Fabaceae)
Subfamily : Mimosa family (Mimosoideae)
Genre : Inga
Type : Inga ruiziana
Scientific name
Inga ruiziana

Inga ruiziana is a species of tree from the subfamily of the mimosa family (Mimosoideae). It is native to Central and South America.


Inga ruiziana is a tree up to 30 meters high with reddish-brown bark and dense, fluffy, rust-red haired, strongly black cork branches. The leaves, which are bare on the upper side and finely hairy on the underside, are four to five-fold pinnate, the leaflets are broadly inverted-lanceolate to oblong-round or elliptical. The outermost pair of leaflets is 15 to 25 inches long and 5.5 to 9 inches wide, the innermost 4.5 to 18 inches long and 2.2 to 6.5 inches wide.

The rust-red fluffy hairy petiole is cylindrical in cross section, the rust-red fluffy hairy leaf hachis is 13 to 20 centimeters long and cylindrical in cross section, the glands are cup-shaped. The stipules are 4 to 8 millimeters long, finely hairy and deciduous.

The inflorescences arise from the axils of undeveloped leaves and are usually in groups of one to four dense ears. The shaft is 0.4 to 5 centimeters long and dense rust-red, fine-fluffy hairs, the rachis 0.5 to 1.5 centimeters long. The flowers are cream-colored to greenish-white, the stamens white. The fruits are 7 to 22 inches long and 2.3 to 3.5 4 inches wide and bare.


Inga ruiziana is native from Nicaragua to Ecuador to Bolivia and Peru.

Systematics and botanical history

The species was first described by George Don in 1832 .


  • Anton Weber, Werner Huber, Anton Weissenhofer, Nelson Zamora, Georg Zimmermann: An Introductory Field Guide To The Flowering Plants Of The Golfo Dulce Rain Forests Costa Rica. In: Stapfia. Volume 78, Linz 2001, p. 282, ISSN  0252-192X / ISBN 3854740727 , PDF on ZOBODAT