Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Richard

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Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Richard , also Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Richard (* around 1725 in the Electorate of Hanover , † around 1770 in Hamburg ) was a German draftsman, etcher and painter.

Live and act

Richard painted portraits in oil, pastel and watercolor and made several trips, including to England. Here he was quite successful. He came to Hamburg, where he was able to train himself to become an “excellent artist” in the portrait subject and where he settled down. A well-known work is the portrait of Abbot Ferdinand Ambrosius Fidler , which was engraved in copper by Johann Christian Gottfried Fritzsch and auctioned in 1858. He also made a portrait of the ophthalmologist John Taylor as well as an etching from 1758 after David Teniers, which shows four farm boys filling an ox bladder with air. One of his students was the draftsman and miniature painter Johann Samuel Zimmer (1751-1821), who later worked as a university drawing teacher. Another student was the Swedish miniature and enamel painter Peter Adolf Hall (1739–1793), who started painting studies with him from 1858.

Works (selection)

  • Portrait of the ophthalmologist John Taylor
  • Portrait of the Abbot Ferdinand Ambrosius Fidler
  • Farmers dance outdoors or Peasants' Dance Outdoors , Metropolitan Museum of Art


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Rudolph Weigel (ed.): Collection of engravings, drawings, sculptures etc . Hirschfeld, Leipzig 1858, p. 89 , No. 1426 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  2. Peter Mortzfeld: Zimmer, Samuel . Ed .: Herzog August Bibliothek. tape 45 : Register 4: Artist (painter, draftsman, engraver). Walter de Gruyter & Co KG, Berlin / Boston 2007, ISBN 978-3-598-31805-4 , p. 415 ( - excerpt).
  3. Johann Rudolf Füssli: Zimmer, (Johann Samuel, usually Samuel) . In: General Artist Lexicon . Part 2, Section 9. Orell, Füßli & Co., Zurich 1816, p. 6179-6180 ( ).
  4. ^ Karl Asplund : Hall, Peter Adolf . In: Ulrich Thieme , Fred. C. Willis (Ed.): General lexicon of visual artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 15 : Gresse – Hanselmann . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1922, p. 508–509 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive - left column, p. 508).
  5. ^ Peasants' Dance Outdoors., accessed February 15, 2016 .