Carl Johan Hartman

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Carl Johan Hartman , also Karl Johan Hartman , (born April 14, 1790 in Gävle , † August 28, 1849 in Stockholm ) was a Swedish doctor and botanist . Its official botanical author abbreviation is " Hartm. "

Carl Johan Hartman

Hartman studied in Uppsala and was a full-time doctor first in Ulriksdal, from 1828 in Eskilstuna and from 1833 in Gävle (provincial doctor). He was also a noted botanist and wrote a handbook of the flora of Scandinavia, popular science books and a family doctor book.

His son Carl Hartman (1824-1884) was also a botanist.

Hartman's sedge is named in his honor.


  • H andbok i Scandinaviens flora, 1820, 5th edition 1849 (later editions, such as the 11th of 1879, published by his son)
  • Utkast till botanologie , 1843
  • S vensk och norsk excusionsflora , 1846
  • Utkast till popular naturkunnighet , 1836
  • Huslakaren , 1828, 6th edition published by OF Hallin 1872


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