Carlo Curcio

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Carlo Curcio (born October 3, 1898 in Naples , † July 27, 1971 in Rome ) was an Italian historian and political scientist .

Carlo Curcio took part in the First World War as a war volunteer. After the war he tried his hand at writing, editor and publisher, but without being particularly successful. His strong commitment to Italian fascism boosted his career. Since 1928 he taught at the University of Perugia , in 1934 he was appointed full professor for the history of political ideas in Perugia. There he also became rector in 1938 . From 1930 to 1942 he was editor of the fascist magazine Lo Stato. Rivista di scienze politiche, giuridiche ed economiche. Although Curcio did not hold any political offices in the party or in the state, he was nevertheless strongly linked to the regime. However, his proximity to fascism led to a career break in 1943. The rectors brought into office by Mussolini were replaced by unencumbered and anti-fascist personalities. Curcio was removed from office and withdrew from academic life and the public. But already in 1950 he was able to be accepted again at the University of Florence and teach there as a full professor for the history of political ideas. He taught in Florence until he was released and then continued his activity at the Scuola di perfezionamento in Rome until he was 70 .

Curcio is one of the founders of the history of political ideas in Italy. The political constitution of Italy and its society makes up a major part of his oeuvre. In one of his most important studies, the two-volume work L'Europa. Storia di un Idea , Curcio collected and analyzed the different concepts and ideas about Europe from antiquity to the 20th century.


  • L'Europe. Storia di un Idea. Florence / Vallecchi 1958
  • Verso la nuova Europe. Naples 1934
  • L'Italia e l'Europa. Lineamenti e sviluppo della politica italiana. Rome 1932.


  • Thomas Großbölting : Carlo Curcio. In: Heinz Duchhardt (Hrsg.): Europa-Historiker. A biographical manual. Vol. 2, Göttingen 2006, pp. 231-250, ISBN 3-525-30154-5 .
  • Rodolfo de Mattei: Carlo Curcio. In: Storia e Politica Vol. XI (1972), S, 1-10.
  • Paolo Pastori: La “via media” nell'itinierario filosofico-politico di Carlo Curcio (1898–1971). Fra liberalismo, fascismo e democrazio . In: Annali di Storia moderna e contemporanea Vol. 8 (2002), pp. 345-466.

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