Carlo Emery

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Carlo Emery

Carlo Emery (born October 25, 1848 in Naples , † May 11, 1925 in Bologna ) was an Italian entomologist .

Live and act

Emery's parents were Swiss citizens who had obtained Italian citizenship. After graduating in medicine, Emery devoted himself to the natural sciences in 1872 and specialized in zoology. In 1878 he was appointed professor of zoology at the University of Cagliari and from 1881 until his retirement he held the chair of zoology at the University of Bologna . Emery spoke several languages. He spoke and wrote Italian, French, English, German and Spanish fluently, but also understood other languages, including Russian. Emery was a talented draftsman who illustrated his works himself. He has published numerous monographs, including on the anatomy of snakes and on visual perception in fish. However, he mainly wrote about ants, including in 1901 about the species Dinoponera longipes from Peru, which, with a length of 3 cm, is one of the largest ants in the world. Emery was an expert in the field of Hymenoptera (Hymenoptera). In his earlier works he mainly dealt with beetles .

Between 1869 and 1925 Emery published over 300 entomological papers, which dealt primarily with the aspects of taxonomy, morphology and biogeography of hymenoptera, especially ants. His first scientific descriptions include 130 genera of ants, 1057 species and 265 subspecies. For the standard work Genera Insectorum by Philogène Auguste Galilée Wytsman , he wrote the sections on the ants in 1921 and 1922. In addition to his scientific work, he wrote humorous, illustrated animal poems that were published in 1905 in the book Zoologia popolare ovvero: La bestiale commedia .

During a stay in Bois-Bougy , Switzerland in 1906, Emery suffered a stroke that paralyzed the right side of his body. As a result, he later learned to write and draw with his left hand.

Emery's hymenoptera collection is kept in the Museo di storia naturale Giacomo Doria in Genoa . His beetle collection is in the Museo civico di zoologia di Roma .

Dedication names

After Carlo Emery among other species are Cardiocondyla emeryi , Cephalotes emeryi , Dorylus emeryi , Leptogenys emeryi , Melissotarsus emeryi , Mycetophylax emeryi , Tapinoma emeryanum , Temnothorax emeryi , Tetramorium emeryi , Tetraponera emeryi and the genus Emeryia named.

Works (selection)

  • Studii anatomici sulla Vipera Redii, 1873
  • La cornea dei pesci ossei, contribuzione alla morfologia dell'occhio dei vertebrati, 1878
  • Fauna and flora of the Gulf of Naples and the adjoining seas, 1880
  • Corso di zoologia sistematica, per uso degli studenti delle università, 1884
  • Contributions to the knowledge of the North American ant fauna, 1893
  • The genus Dorylus Fab. And the systematic division of formicides, 1895
  • La determinazione del sesso dal punto di vista biologico, 1904
  • Hymenoptera. Fam. Formicidae. Subfam. Ponerinae, 1911
  • Hymenoptera, Fam. Formicidae, Subfam. Dolichoderinae, 1912
  • Compendio di zoologia, 1911
  • Formicidae de Italie, 1916
  • Hymenoptera. Fam. Formicidae. Subfam. Formicinae, 1925
