Carlo Fumagalli (composer)

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Carlo Fumagalli (born November 10, 1822 in Milan ; † October 1, 1907 there ) was an Italian composer , music arranger and music teacher of the 19th century.

Live and act

Carlo Fumagalli was the eldest brother of Adolfo , Disma , Luca and Polibio Fumagalli . He lived and worked mainly in Milan as a music teacher. From January 14, 1905, he lived in the Casa di Riposo per Musicisti , a house for music retirees founded by the composer Giuseppe Verdi .


Carlo Fumagalli made a name for himself through his arrangements of pieces from operas by Giuseppe Verdi for the organ , which he put together for masses . These can still be heard occasionally in organ concerts in our time. He wrote numerous piano works , including Metodo teorico-pratico (op. 125); Of his church music works, the Cadenza e Pastorali per organo od armonio should also be mentioned.

Works (selection)

  • Messa solennelle tratta da opere del celebre Giuseppe Verdi, e addatata all 'organo da C. Fumagalli. A cura di Maurizio Marchella (= series L'Organo Italiano nell 'Ottocento. Volume 118). Amelin Musica, Padova (Italia).
  • Sanctus per Mezzo-Soprano Tenore e Coro
  • Metodo teorico-pratico (op.125) per pianoforte
  • Cadenza e Pastorali per organo or armonio

Literature (selection)

  • Marta Cattoglio: Carlo Fumagalli (1822–1907), musicista milanese. Il catalogo delle opere. Master's thesis at the “Giuseppe Verdi” Conservatory in Milan 2013/14.
  • Marta Cattoglio: Milano e la musica sacra nell'Ottocento: la produione musicale di Carlo Fumagalli (1822–1907). In: Ricerche storiche sulla Chiesa Ambrosiana. Vol. 34 (2016), ZDB -ID 301940-8 , pp. 225-238.
  • Franz Pazdírek: Universal manual of music literature. Vol. IX (Fitzenhagen - Gattermann). Verlag des Universal-Handbuch der Musikliteratur, Vienna undated [approx. 1906], pp. 598–602 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ; list of the works by Carlo Fumagalli published in print in the order of the opus numbers). Reprint as Vol. IV (E - Goffin): Frits Knuf, Hilversum 1967, OCLC 947735525 .

Web links


  1. ^ Carlo Schmidl: Dizionario universale dei musicisti Vol. 2a (supplemento), Sonzogno / Milano 1938, p. 445 (accessed via WBIS online )
  2. RISM ID: 1001047519