Carlo III. Borromeo

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Count Carlo III. Borromeo (* 1586 ; † 1652 ) was a member of the Lombard - Piedmontese noble family Borromeo .

Carlo married Countess Isabella D'Adda on February 8, 1612 , and they had several children, including sons Renato , Giberto and Vitaliano . In honor of Isabella, Carlo began to have a palace built on one of the islands in Lake Maggiore .

The Borromean Palace on Isola Bella was planned by the Milanese master builder Giovanni Angelo Crivelli . Work began in 1632. After the plague hit northern Italy heavily in the middle of the 17th century, the construction work had to rest for several decades, Carlo III. and his wife did not see the completion of the building, which was only under the rule of Vitaliano VI. Borromeo took place.
