Carlos Seixas

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Carlos Seixas .

José Antonio Carlos de Seixas (born June 11, 1704 in Coimbra , † August 25, 1742 in Lisbon ) was a Portuguese composer , organist and harpsichordist .


Carlos Seixas was the son of Francisco Vaz , the organist of the old Sé Velha Cathedral in Coimbra . After the death of his father, Seixas initially took over this position at the age of 14. From 1720, Seixas lived in Lisbon, initially as the organist of the Sé Patriarcal and the Royal Chapel ( Capela Real ). Kapellmeister at this time was Domenico Scarlatti , whom Seixas succeeded in the same office after his departure. He wore it until his death in 1742. He died of complications from rheumatic fever .


Seixas wrote an extensive oeuvre for harpsichord and / or organ; The composition of around 700 sonatas has survived , of which only 105 have survived due to the earthquake in Lisbon ( 1755 ).

The difficult source situation, for the reason mentioned above, also applies to his sacred compositions and orchestral works. Among other things, a concerto for harpsichord and orchestra, one of the earliest of its genre in Europe, a three-movement symphony in B minor in the Italian style and a French overture have been preserved . Seixas' sonatas are based on the model of Domenico Scarlatti , but have a very independent, very cantilever tonal language that is based on the highly modern, gallant Neapolitan style of the time. They are often of considerable virtuosity.


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