Carsten Borkowski

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Carsten Borkowski (born June 21, 1965 in Lübeck ) is a German composer.

He received instrumental lessons in violin , viola , piano and organ and devoted himself to his own studies in counterpoint and harmony at an early age .

He studied composition and music theory with Roland Ploeger , Friedhelm Döhl and Sven-David Sandström at the music academies in Lübeck and Stockholm , as well as choir conducting and organ.

His catalog of works includes compositions for chamber music ensembles , orchestral compositions, choral works, pieces for solo instruments, stage music, electronic music and experimental radio plays.

In addition to his freelance work as a composer, Carsten Borkowski works as a teacher for music theory and ear training and as a lecturer at various academies in the training of choir directors and organists , for example at the Federal Academy for Young Musical Education in Trossingen and the State Academy for Young Musicians in Baden- Württemberg Ochsenhausen . From 2005 to 2008 he held a teaching position for composition at the TU Dresden .

As a composer he took part in productions by NDR and WDR .

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