Carsten Held

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Carsten Held (* 1963 in Hürth ) is a German philosopher and university professor .

Held studied philosophy, physics and German at the universities of Munich , Freiburg im Breisgau and Princeton . It was in 1996 at the University of Freiburg with the dissertation The Bohr-Einstein debate: quantum mechanics and physical reality to Dr. phil. PhD . His habilitation took place there . He initially taught at the universities of Freiburg and Strasbourg . He then did a research stay at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology .

Hero took in 2004 a call to the Chair of Philosophy of Science at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Erfurt in. From 2007 he was temporarily dean . Held is currently on leave.

In research and teaching, Held deals with the theory of science , the interpretation of quantum mechanics and the philosophy of language as well as the philosophy of spirit.

Works (selection)

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Individual evidence

  1. a b New Dean of the Philosophical Faculty , press release of the University of Erfurt from September 14, 2007, on
  2. Held, Carsten im Who's Who of the University of Erfurt, accessed on December 15, 2017.