Carsten Peter Claussen

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Carsten Peter Claussen (born May 13, 1927 in Berlin ; † June 29, 2010 in Düsseldorf ) was a German lawyer who tried to keep science and practice together.

Life and professional history

He was the son of Bruno and Elsbeth Claussen. Carsten Peter Claussen was married to the journalist Erika Dose. Her son Johann Hinrich Claussen is an Evangelical Lutheran theologian and author.

Claussen's professional career began when he joined a bank in the Wallenberg Group. There he first became a bank manager and later a board member. He continued his banking career as a board member of the Norddeutsche Landesbank and as President of the Lower Saxony Stock Exchange. At the end of the 1980s he moved to the commercial law firm Hoffmann, Liebs, Fritsch in Düsseldorf, of which he was a partner.

In 1954 he received his doctorate . He continued his scientific career with years as an assistant at Heinrich Kronstein Frankfurt / Washington. He later taught for 25 years at the University of Hamburg , where he had been an honorary professor since 1975 . Guest lectureships after reunification in Berlin at the then University of Economics and, until 2001, at Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf are also part of his teaching activities. Claussen has been involved in the working group of Protestant entrepreneurs since 1988 .


His academic work consists of publications such as the Cologne Commentary on Stock Corporation Law , now renamed the Cologne Commentary on Accounting Law from the first to the third edition in 2009 (at Carl HeymannsVerlag) and in the textbook on banking and stock exchange law from the 1st to the 4th edition . Edition 2008 (published by Beck). It started with the book Publicity and Profit Sharing in the New Company Law , which was published for the major German company law reform of 1965 and which influenced this legislation. In addition, around 50 smaller books and publications, paired with 250 magazine and commemorative articles. Finally, an extensive comparative legal analysis of the financial and banking crisis, which will appear in the ZIP this summer.

Claussen's central theme has always been the modernization of stock corporation and accounting law, but while maintaining the tried and tested German canon of values, primarily investor protection.



Individual evidence

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