Cas Wouters

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Cas Wouters (* 1943 ) is a Dutch sociologist . He conducts research at the Universities of Utrecht and Amsterdam . Johan Goudsblom's student worked closely with Norbert Elias , translated his “ Established and Outsider ” into Dutch and developed a concept of “informalization”.


At Wouters, “informalization” has been the name for the relaxation of behavioral standards since 1977 around the middle of the 20th century. Examples: spreading the dozen among people who are not close; permissive upbringing attitude of parents; sexual experiences and topics become conversational; the rules of clothing allow open erotic-physical signals; the formality of letter writing is lost in favor of a careless personal style. Wouters saw his considerations as critical additions to Elias' theory of civilization, but without contradicting his basic thesis (progress of the civilization process through increased self-control). Informalization presupposes increased self-control, the spread of nude bathing, for example, is based on more civilization and is not mere relaxation. Elias took up this criticism and systematized it.

Fonts (selection)

  • Informalization. Manners and emotions since 1890 . SAGE, Los Angeles 2007, ISBN 978-1-412-93575-3 .
    • Informal ring. Manners en emoties are 1890 . Translated from English into Dutch by Bart Jonker, Bakker, Amsterdam 2008. ISBN 978-90-351-3289-4 .
  • Seks en de seksen. A divorce from modern operations . Bert Bakker, Amsterdam 2005, ISBN 9035127129 .
  • Sex and manners. Female emancipation in the West, 1890-2000 . SAGE, London / Thousand Oaks 2004, ISBN 0803983697 .
  • Informalization. Norbert Elias' Civilization Processes in the 20th Century. Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen / Wiesbaden 1999, ISBN 978-3-531-13412-3 .
  • Van minnen en sterven. Informalisering van omgangsvormen rond seks en dood . B. Bakker, Amsterdam 1990, ISBN 9035109759 .
  • With Bram van Stock, foreword by Norbert Elias : Vrouwen in tweestrijd. Tussen thuis en tehuis. Relatieproblemen in de verzorgingsstaat, opgetekend in een crisiscentrum . Van Loghum Slaterus, Deventer 1983, ISBN 9060018486 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Norbert Elias Foundation: Cas Wouters
  2. Stefanie Ernst , "An occasion (...) to rethink certain fundamental questions of the subject." About the development of process-theoretical thinking in Europe . In this. and Hermann Korte (ed.), Social Processes and Individual Practice. Lecture series in memory of Norbert Elias . Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2017, ISBN 978-3-658-16316-7 , pp. 23–44, here p. 36.
  3. Werner Fuchs-Heinritz , informalization . In the S. and others, Lexicon of Sociology . 5th edition, Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2011, ISBN 978-3-531-19670-1 , p. 302.