Johan Goudsblom

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Johan Goudsblom (born October 11, 1932 in Bergen , North Holland , † March 17, 2020 in Amsterdam ) was a Dutch sociologist and professor at the University of Amsterdam .

After studying at Wesleyan University in Middletown (Connecticut) and at the University of Amsterdam, he began his academic teaching activities in 1966 as a fellow at Princeton University (USA) and the University of California in Berkeley (USA). From 1968 Goudsblom was professor of sociology in Amsterdam. He worked closely with Norbert Elias and had a great influence on the reception of Elias since the 1970s in the Netherlands, but also in Germany. Like Elias, Goudsblom belongs to the field of historical sociology .

He died in March 2020 at the age of 87.

Fonts in German

  • Sociology on the scales (= Suhrkamp-Taschenbücher Wissenschaft. Vol. 223). Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 1979, ISBN 3-518-07823-2 (Original edition: Balans van de sociologie (= Aula-boeken. Sociale wetenschappen 518, ZDB -ID 256541-9 ). Het Spectrum, Utrecht et al. 1974).
  • as editor with Peter Gleichmann and Hermann Korte : materials on Norbert Elias' civilization theory. 2 volumes. Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 1979–1984;
    • Vol. 1: (= Suhrkamp-Taschenbücher Wissenschaft 233). 1979, ISBN 3-518-07833-X ;
    • Vol. 2: Power and civilization (= Suhrkamp-Taschenbuch Wissenschaft 418). Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 1984, ISBN 3-518-28018-X .
  • Fire and civilization. Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 1995, ISBN 3-518-58210-0 (Also as: The discovery of fire (= Insel-Taschenbuch 2613 Kulturgeschichte ). Insel-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main et al. 2000, ISBN 3-458-34313-X ; Original edition: Fire and Civilization. Allen Lane - The Penguin Press, London et al. 1992, ISBN 0-7139-9077-5 ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Abram de Swaan: Johan Goudsblom: trefzeker thinker, bewapend met twijfel. In: Retrieved March 26, 2020 (Dutch).