Casimir Bonjour

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Casimir Bonjour (born March 15, 1795 in Clermont-en-Argonne , † June 21, 1856 in Paris ) was a French poet .

life and work

Casimir Bonjour, son of a police sergeant, studied with good success at the college in Reims and then attended normal school . He became a teacher ( Maître d'études ) at the Lyceum in Bruges and later a rhetoric teacher at the Lycée Louis-le-Grand in Paris. Then he got a job in the Treasury, which he soon lost because he was supposedly too busy with verse and too little with his office. Perhaps he was only dismissed because the statesman Villèle , who had ordered this, felt offended by two verses from Bonjour supposedly aimed at him. As compensation for the loss of his job, Bonjour received a small pension from the civil list of Charles X. After the July Revolution of 1830 , he refused to work as a civil servant, but became a study supervisor at the military school of La Flèche and in 1832 custodian of the Sainte-Geneviève library . He died in Paris on June 21, 1856 at the age of 61.

Bonjour devoted himself almost exclusively to dramatic poetry. His first piece, the three-act comedy La Mère rivale , which depicts a moral painting , was premiered at the Comédie-Française in 1821 and immediately brought the author unusual success. His second play, the five-act comedy L'Éducation, ou les Deux Cousines , premiered on May 10, 1823 at the Comédie-Française, was to be praised for its inventiveness, character drawing and beneficial moral warmth. With the five-act comedy Le Mari à bonnes fortunes ou la Leçon , which came on the stage of the Comédie-Française on September 30, 1824, Bonjour climbed to the height of his fame. He also wrote the moral novel Le Malheur du riche et le bonheur du pauvre (1836) and the following other comedies:

  • L'Argent ou les Mœurs du siècle , five-act comedy in verse, premiered on October 12, 1826 at the Comédie-Française
  • Le Protecteur et le mari , five-act comedy in verse, first performance on September 5, 1829 at the Comédie-Française, with controversial success; the play was shortened to three acts
  • Naissance, fortune et mérite ou l'Epreuve électorale , three-act comedy in prose, premiered on May 13, 1831 at the Comédie-Française
  • Le Presbytère , five-act comedy in verse, premiered on February 21, 1833 at the Comédie-Française
  • Coup d'œil sur le théâtre , first performed in 1838 at the Athénée royal
  • Le Bachelier de Ségovie ou les Hautes Études , five-act comedy in verse, first performance on October 15, 1844 at the Théâtre de l'Odéon , (rejected by the Comédie-Française)


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