Castanopsis nephelioides

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Castanopsis nephelioides
Eurosiden I
Order : Beech-like (Fagales)
Family : Beech family (Fagaceae)
Genre : Mock chestnuts ( Castanopsis )
Type : Castanopsis nephelioides
Scientific name
Castanopsis nephelioides
King ex Hook.f.

Castanopsis nephelioides is a species of tree fromthe beech family (Fagaceae) that occurs in Southeast Asia. The nuts are edible.


Castanopsis nephelioides is a tree . The leaves are entire. The underside of the leaves is sparsely covered with short, simple hairs and is balding.

The fruit cups (cupulae) are covered with branched spines . They are upright, bulky and always have two to three branches. They partially cover the skin of the fruit cup and are sparsely hairy. Each fruit cup contains only one nut , has an unripe side and a diameter of up to 2.5 centimeters including the spines. The fruit cup does not open. The nut is egg-shaped.

Flowering time is January to May. The fruit ripens from February to December, mostly from July to September.

Distribution and locations

The species occurs in Thailand , Malaysia and Singapore. It grows in lowland rainforests, deeper mountain forests and in pine - oak forests at 50 to 1600 m above sea level, mostly at 200 to 800 m.

supporting documents

  • Chamlong Phengklai: A synoptic account of the Fagaceae of Thailand . Thai Forest Bulletin 2006, Volume 34, pp. 53-175, ISSN  0495-3843

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