Ocher-yellow flour cup

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Ocher-yellow flour cup
Yellow ocher flour cup (Cenangium ferruginosum)

Yellow ocher flour cup ( Cenangium ferruginosum )

Subdivision : Real ascent mushrooms (Pezizomycotina)
Class : Leotiomycetes
Order : Helotials
Family : Helotiaceae
Genre : Cenangium
Type : Ocher-yellow flour cup
Scientific name
Cenangium ferruginosum

The ocher-yellow flour cup ( Cenangium ferruginosum ) is a largely saprophytic bark fungus on pines from the Helotiaceae family .


Macroscopic features

The apothecia are closed in the shape of a jug when young and open in the shape of a bowl when ripe. They reach a diameter of 1.5 to 3 mm and are short stalked to sessile. The inside is yellowish ocher, while the outside is dark brown with a floury-sticky surface.

Microscopic features

The spores are hyaline , elliptical, smooth and are 10 to 13 × 5.5 to 7 μm in size. The asci are cylindrical-club-shaped and measure 85 to 105 × 10 to 13 μm. The paraphyses are filamentous and often 3 to 5.5 μm at the often thickened tip. The associated rare minor fruit form is characterized by elliptical, colorless 5 to 6 × 2 to 3 μm conidia of the Phomopsis type.


The species predominantly grows saprobionic on dead branches of Scots pine , black pine and mountain pine . Occasionally, however, as a parasite of weakness, it causes the jaws to shrink. But this is mostly in connection with other fungi, especially with Ascocalyx abietina or in connection with the needle- sheathed gall mosquito ( Thecodiplosis brachyntera ). The Aleppo pine is also a potential host. Here, Cenangium ferruginosum causes the needles to turn yellow. It can spread to the twig bark and cause necrosis and resin leakage. If the trunk is attacked, the overlying parts of the crown are removed. The species occurs mainly in young populations where it can occur epidemically every 1 to 3 years.

supporting documents

  • Ewald Gerhardt: Mushrooms . BLV Buchverlag, Munich 2006, ISBN 978-3-8354-0053-5 , p. 559
  • Heinz Butin : Diseases of the forest and park trees . Georg Thieme Verlag, 1983, ISBN 3-13-639002-4 , pp. 77f
  • I. Lorenz, 1967: Studies on the biology and pathogenicity of Cenangium ferruginosum Fr. Arch. Plant protection. 3: 143-153.

Individual evidence

  1. Schütt, Weisgerber, Schuck, Lang, Stimm, Roloff: Lexicon of conifers. Nikol, Hamburg 2008, ISBN 3-933203-80-5 , p. 400

Web links

Commons : Ocher-yellow flour cup ( Cenangium ferruginosum )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files