Cesare Mattei

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Cesare Mattei 1809-1896
Rocchetta Mattei

Cesare Mattei (born January 11, 1809 in Bologna , † April 3, 1896 in Grizzana Morandi ) was an Italian nobleman , man of letters, politician, homeopath and well-known faith healer of the 19th century. Mattei is the founder of electro homeopathy.

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Mattei grew up in a wealthy family in Bologna. The poet and philosopher Paolo Costa (1771-1836) influenced him very much. In 1837 Mattei was one of the founders of the Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna. After he had donated land in Comacchio to the Vatican , which had strategic importance for pushing back the Austrians, he received it from Pope Pius IX in 1847 . the title of a count.

In Bologna he participated in the establishment of the National Guard. From August 16, 1847 to March 6, 1848, he was responsible for overseeing the entry of citizens in the lists and the arming of the newly created guard. On March 6th he was given a battalion command and he rose in this capacity to the rank of colonel. He was elected to parliament in May 1848, but resigned on October 15, 1848.

Rocchetta Mattei

In 1850 Mattei acquired a rock in Grizzana Morandi with the remains of a 12th century castle and he had the fantasy castle Rocchetta Mattei built there in the Moorish style . In 1859 he set up a laboratory in a tower, accessible only by means of a steel drawbridge. Here he developed his "electrohomeopathy". At Rocchetta Mattei Castle, he is said to have treated celebrities such as King Ludwig of Bavaria and Tsar Alexander II with his electrohomeopathy.

Electro homeopathy - the «Spezifica» according to Mattei

Matte electrohomeopathy can be understood as a modification of Hahnemann's homeopathy with references to alchemical spagyric and humoral pathology . Mattei administered granules, so-called globules , which were soaked with secret self-developed "electrohomeopathic drugs ", 37 of which were available. Mattei did not publish details of his funds, but kept the information secret. After his death it became known that the substances were spagyric processed substances of vegetable origin. The aim was to treat the whole organism, as he was convinced that the whole organism was affected in every disease and not just a single organ.

Mattei claimed to have extracted "vegetable electricity" from a plant, which he tried to preserve in medicinal products. These remedies should work "as suddenly" as the electric current, which is why he named his healing system "electrohomeopathy".

Medical records show that, for example, from July 16, 1865 to October 15, 1867, 20,000 people were treated in Mattei's practice in Bologna. In Bologna, Carl-Friedrich Zimpel and Arthur Lutze got to know Mattei's healing method. Pope Pius IX allowed Mattei in 1869 to use part of the Santa Tereza Hospital in Rome for consultations. In addition, Pius IX recommended. the healing method to the distant missionaries in Africa, India, China, Australia and Central and South America.

After Mattei's death, his adopted son Mario Venturoli (1858–1937) continued some of his research.


  • Elettromiopatia del Conte Cesare Mattei. Scienza nuova che cura il sangue e sana l'organismo. Libro dettato dal conte Cesare Mattei a bene dei popoli che la massima parte dei medici rifuta di curare con l'elettromiopatia. Bertero, Casale Monterrato 1878 (Italian original edition). (Digitized version)
    • Electro-homeopathic healing method by Count Cesare Mattei. New method that improves the blood and heals the organism, published by Count Cesare Mattei for the benefit of the peoples, which most doctors refuse to cure using electro-homeopathy. Hahn, Stuttgart 1879 (first German translation, obviously unauthorized; with literally translated title). (Digitized version)
    • Electro homeopathy. Principles of a new science presented by Count Cesare Mattei. Only German edition authorized by the author. Manz, Regensburg 1883.
    • Electro homeopathy. Principles of a New Science. Only authorized German edition. Based on the latest experience, edited and increased by Theodor Krauss . Seventh revised edition. Friedrich, Leipzig 1898.
    • Electro-Homeopathy: Principles of a New Science Set Out; reviewed and supplemented by Eduard Bussum. 8th edition. Roll & Haas, Würzburg 1926.
  • Elettro-omeopatia: nuovo vade-medum: nuova e vera guida ad ognuno che voglia curarsi da se stesso con la elettromeopatia. Tip. Mareggiani, Bologna 1883 (Italian first edition).
    • Vademecum of electro-homeopathy or short instructions for anyone who wants to cure themselves using electro-homeopathy. Edit according to the latest experience. u. presumably v. Theodor Krauss [sic!]. Only author. German edition 4. verb. Edition. Strauch, Leipzig 1921.


  • Charles Franz Zimpel: The vegetable electricity for healing purposes and the homeopathic-vegetable remedies of Count Cesare Mattei. Schwabe, Leipzig 1869.
  • Theodor Krauss . Count Cesare Mattei, the discoverer of electro-homeopathy. A biographical sketch, edited from authentic sources and handwritten notes of the same . GJ Manz, Regensburg 1893 (digitized version)
  • Theodor Krauss: The basic laws of electrohomeopathy or compound homeopathic complex healing method: Count Cesare Mattei's system. Sunday, Regensburg 1921.
  • Axel Helmstädter: On the modern spagyric pharmacy: Cesare Mattei (1809–1896) and Carl-Friedrich Zimpel (1801–1879). Dissertation. University of Heidelberg 1988. Book edition: Spagyric Medicines: Pharmacy and Alchemy of Modern Times. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart 1990, ISBN 3-8047-1113-8 .
  • Mario Facci: Il conte Cesare Mattei: vita e opere di un singolare guaritore dell 'Ottocento, inventore dell' elettromeopatia, construttore delle Rochetta di Riota. Pretta Terme, Bologna 2002 (Italian).

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