Cetoscarus ocellatus

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Cetoscarus ocellatus
Cetoscarus ocellatus from the Maldives

Cetoscarus ocellatus from the Maldives

Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Labriformes
Family : Wrasse (Labridae)
Subfamily : Parrotfish (Scarinae)
Genre : Cetoscarus
Type : Cetoscarus ocellatus
Scientific name
Cetoscarus ocellatus
( Valenciennes , 1840)

Cetoscarus ocellatus is a species of parrotfish (Scarinae) in the wrasse (Labridae) family.


Cetoscarus ocellatus reaches a standard length of up to 80 centimeters. In the initial phase , the head is purple to reddish brown in color, with fine black spots on the ventral side. Towards the back the body is broadly pale yellowish, beneath it is bluish gray. The scales are outlined in black and spotted. The unpaired fins are brownish red, the caudal fin (caudals) with a whitish, crescent-shaped rear edge. In the terminal phase , the males are green with pink-edged scales. Up to an orange line that runs from the corner of the mouth over the upper abdomen to the base of the chest, the head and front body are drawn with numerous small pink spots. Below the line the color is uniformly green with a broad, pink longitudinal band underneath. With the exception of the snout and chin, young animals have a broad, orange-colored band with dark edges on the head. On the dorsal fin there is a dark spot with an orange border and a submarginal orange band on the caudal fin. In juvenile animals the caudal fin is rounded, in adults it is forked.

The pectoral fins have 14 to 15 (usually 14) rays . The number of predorsal scales is 5 to 7 (usually 6). There are 3 rows of scales on the cheeks, the lower one with 3 to 7 scales. The surface of the outer sides of the fused teeth are not smooth, but spherical, and there are no conical teeth on the sides of the dental plates. The teeth shields are largely covered by the lips. The muzzle is long.


Cetoscarus ocellatus is widespread in the Indo-Pacific . The distribution area extends from Somalia to South Africa , from there eastward to the Tuamotu Archipelago including eastern Australia and the Middleton Reef , north to southern Japan and south to western Australia.

Habitat and way of life

Cetoscarus ocellatus inhabits the seaward sides of reefs and lagoons . The diet consists of benthic algae .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Cetoscarus ocellatus on Fishbase.org (English)
  2. Cetoscarus ocellatus in the IUCN 2017-1 Red List of Threatened Species . Posted by: JH Choat et al. , 2009. Retrieved July 1, 2017.

Web links

Commons : Cetoscarus ocellatus  - Collection of images, videos and audio files