Akim Lwowitsch Wolynski

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Akim Lwowitsch Wolynski

Akim Lvovich Volynsky ( Russian Аким Львович Волынский ), actually Chaim Leibowitsch Flekser ( Russian Хаим Лейбович Флексер * April 21 jul. / 3. May  1863 greg. In Zhytomyr , † 6. July 1926 in Leningrad ) was a Russian literary critic and Art scholar .


Wolynski was the son of a Jewish bookseller. He was expelled from high school because of a conflict with a teacher, so he passed his matriculation examination as an external student. Immediately after completing his law studies Volynsky 1889 in the Journal of literature , politics and society Severny Vestnik employed and their With editor he was. Here he published his first major philosophical essay on the critical and dogmatic elements of Kant's philosophy , which identified him as an advocate of critical idealism . In his essays on Russian critics, he fought against any kind of positivism in art . In particular, he criticized NA Dobrolyubov for his lack of devotion, NG Chernyshevsky for his materialism and DI Pissarew for his utilitarianism . GW Plekhanov, on the other hand, subjected the content and style of Wolynski's essays to devastating criticism.

Volynsky was one of the early ideologues of Russian modernism. At first he was counted among the decadents . He later turned to impressionism and symbolism . In 1896 he traveled to Italy , which he regarded as the home of symbolism. The social-philosophical impressionism made Wolynski an enthusiastic admirer of Leonardo da Vinci , to which he dedicated a large essay first in the Sewerny Westnik (1897–1898) and then in a book edition. He apparently used material from DS Mereschkowski , which earned him allegations of plagiarism . In 1899 Volynski studied icons on Mount Athos . He felt from the mysticism F. M. Dostoevsky tightened, leading to relevant books and for scholastic - theosophical preaching the Judaism in the journal New way .

As an art scholar, Wolynski wrote articles about the theater and, after the October Revolution, especially about ballet . In 1925 he published a large work on dance ( book of jubilation ) in defense of classical ballet. He headed the Leningrad Choreography University and wrote a number of essays on the arts. He was chairman of the board of the Leningrad Department of the Writers' Union (1920-1924). Despite the changed social conditions, he remained true to his ethical and aesthetic theories until the end of his life. He had never left his Jewish faith. In his last work he pursued the idea of ​​a synthesis of religions into a hyperborean religion of light. He expected a merging of Christianity with Judaism analogous to Bahaitum .

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Individual evidence

  1. Oxford Reference: Akim Volynsky (accessed January 24, 2017).
  2. a b c d e Hamutal Bar-Yosef (The Yivo Encyclopedia of jews in Eastern Europe): Volynskii, Akim L'vovich (accessed January 24, 2017).
  3. Friedrich Fiedler, Konstantin Azadovskiĭ: From the literary world. Wallstein Verlag 1996, p. 574.
  4. Волынский А. Л .: Леонардо да Винчи . издание Маркса, St. Petersburg 1900.
  5. Волынский А. Л .: Леонардо да Винчи . 2nd Edition. издание Маркса, Kiev 1909.
  6. Zobnin, Yuri: The Life and Deeds of Dmitry Merezhkovsky . Molodaya Gvardiya, Moscow 2008, ISBN 978-5-235-03072-5 , p. 400-404 .
  7. Волынский А. Л .: Царство Карамазовых . St. Petersburg 1901.
  8. Volynskij, Akim L .: The empire of the Karamasoff . Piper, Munich 1920.
  9. Волынский А. Л .: Книга великого гнева . St. Petersburg 1904.
  10. Волынский А. Л .: Ф. М. Достоевский . St. Petersburg 1906.
  11. Akim Lwowitsch Wolynski: Buch des Jubels. A contribution to the aesthetics of dance . Florian Noetzel, Wilhelmshaven 1993, ISBN 3-7959-0781-0 .
  12. Котельников В. А .: Воинствующий идеалист Аким Волынский . In: Русская литература . No. 1 , 2006, p. 20-75 .
  13. Елена Толстая и Иван Толстой: Богофил. Забытый и неизвестный Аким Волынский (accessed January 24, 2017).