Channa andrao

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Channa andrao
Channa sp (blue bleheri) 2382.jpg

Channa andrao

Spinefish (Acanthopterygii)
Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Climbing fish species (Anabantiformes)
Family : Snakehead fish (Channidae)
Genre : Channa
Type : Channa andrao
Scientific name
Channa andrao
Britz , 2013

Channa andrao is a small freshwater fish from the snakehead fish family, which so far is only known from its type locality , theLefraguri Swamps in West Bengal . With its first description in 2013, the number of out of the foot of the eastern increases Himalayas located biodiversity hotspots known snakehead fish species to ten.


The Channa andrao specimens examined so far had a length of about 10 cm. This makes Channa andrao the smallest snakehead fish known to date. Like Channa asiatica , C. bleheri , C. burmanica , C. hoaluensis and C. ninhbinhensis , Channa andrao lack the pelvic fins . Channa andrao can be distinguished from these species by its coloration, the number of vertebrae and the number of fin rays in the dorsal and anal fin ( fin formula ) and those of the scales along the lateral line . Channa andrao lacks the conspicuous orange spots on the caudal fin that are characteristic of Channa bleheri from the same region, and it only has two to three dark bands on the pectoral fins, while Channa bleheri has five. Moreover Channa andrao a mouthbrooders while the eggs from C. bleheri float on the water surface. The male of Channa andrao releases the fully developed juvenile fish from his father's mouth after about nine days. Channa andrao can be distinguished from Channa orientalis by the longer dorsal and anal fin base as well as by fewer anal fin rays and its coloring, especially the light red-dark striped zone above the anal fin, which is not present in Channa orientalis . In Channa andrao the pectoral fins have two to three bands near their base, while in Channa orientalis five narrow parallel stripes can be seen that extend to the edge.
