Charles Arthur Muller

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Charles Arthur Muller (born November 21, 1868 in Flavigny-sur-Moselle , France , † 20th century) was a French sculptor .


Muller was a student of Hector Lemaire at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris .

He showed his work in the salons of the Société des Artistes Français from 1895 to 1930 and became a member of the society in 1898. In 1902 and 1914 he received a mention honorable , in 1907 a third class medal and a bronze medal in 1924.

He designed various art nouveau bronzes for the fine art foundries Wesley Lapoint and Charles Paillet as well as statuettes made of bronze and ivory in the Art Deco style for the Éditeur d'art (art publisher) Edmond Etling . Muller also produced monochrome ceramics for the Mougin Fréres in Nancy.

Works (selection)

In addition to various depictions of standing women with one or two raised arms (partly nudes or half nudes), Muller designed works with titles such as:

  • Le Salut Olympique , 1920
  • La Victoria
  • Le coureur a pied
  • Maternity
  • Homme Fixant Sa Ceinture
  • Danseuse Orientale


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