Charles Hoguet

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Charles Hoguet; Self-portrait
Charles Hoguet; Market in Rouen, 1859

Charles Hoguet (born November 21, 1821 in Berlin ; † August 4, 1870 there ) was a German painter and, as a Huguenot, belonged to the French colony in Berlin.


Charles Hoguet studied painting with Wilhelm August Krause . At the age of eighteen he went to Paris for further training and was a student of Eugène Isabey and Eugène Cicéri . It is recognized that he acquired great craftsmanship in France and developed a brilliant technique.

Artistically he was decisively influenced by Isabey's marine painting. In Paris, Hoguet was also able to exhibit his early work and had his first successes. However, this caused some critics in Berlin to attribute him to the French school.

Working in Berlin

After a few trips through Western Europe, Hoguet finally settled in Berlin in 1848. He lived and worked there until his death and, according to his own records, created a total of 423 oil paintings during this time; Sea coasts and the sea, navies, Normandy or Heligoland and still lifes were among his preferred depictions right up to the end.

Hoguet regularly participated in academic art exhibitions and became a member of the academy in 1869. Fontane wrote on the occasion of the Berlin art exhibition of 1863: “The upper art is not his art. But he is at home in every area that deliberately avoids the term 'big': Norman windmills and kitchen boys, boatmen and truffle pies, herds of mutton and clouds of dust behind which a thunderstorm sun sets, everything that encompasses genre and landscape with their wide arms that span big 'small world' is his world. "

Works (selection)

Works by Charles Hoguet are exhibited in the following museums: National Gallery Berlin, Museum Leipzig, Museum Lübeck, Museum Breslau, Hamburger Kunsthalle, King Albert Museum in Chemnitz, Museum Königsberg, Museum Danzig, Museum Stettin and Gallery Tretjakoff in Moscow. Here is a thematic selection:


  • George Hiltl : Charles Hoguet. A sketch by George Hiltl . In: Julius Rodenberg, Ernst Dohm (ed.): The salon for literature, art and society . tape 9 . Payne, Leipzig 1867, p. 71–75 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive - With an illustration).
  • Frauke Josenhans: Hoguet, Charles. In: Bénédicte Savoy, France Nerlich (ed.): Paris apprenticeship years. A lexicon for training German painters in the French capital. Volume 1: 1793-1843. Berlin / Boston 2013, pp. 117–120.
  • Hoguet . In: Meyers Konversations-Lexikon . 4th edition. Volume 8, Verlag des Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig / Vienna 1885–1892, p. 626.
  • Egbert Lammers : Charles Hoguet. A contribution to Berlin art history in the 19th century. Berlin: Ebering, 1933.
  • Irmgard Wirth: Berlin painting in the 19th century. Siedler Verlag, Berlin 1990, ISBN 3-572-10011-9 , p. 370.
  • Hoguet, Charles . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of fine artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 17 : Heubel – Hubard . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1924, p. 310 .

Web links

Commons : Charles Hoguet  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Hoguet, Charles . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of fine artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 17 : Heubel – Hubard . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1924, p. 310 .