Charles Payraudeau

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Benjamin Charles Marie Payraudeau (born March 22, 1798 in La Réorthe , † January 12, 1865 in La Chaize-le-Vicomte ) was a French zoologist .

He followed Jean-Baptiste de La Marck (1744–1829) to the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle in Paris and in 1824/25 added some animals from Corsica to the stock . In the process, he discovered two species of birds that had not yet been scientifically described at the time. In Description de deux espèces nouvelles d'oiseaux, appartenant aux genres Mouette et Cormoran in volume 8 of the Annales de Sciences Naturelles (1826), he then described the rare coral gull ( Larus audouinii ) and the subspecies of the common shag Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii .

He also added 71 new species of annelids and molluscs , some of which are found in the sea (marine) and some on the mainland (terrestrial), and described these in the Catalog descriptif et méthodique des annélides et des mollusques de l'ile de Corse ( 1826). Of these species, 32 are still valid today.

A museum dedicated to the natural history of birds was dedicated to Payraudeau . It is called Musée Ornithologique Charles-Payraudeau and is located in La Chaize-le-Vicomte in the Vendée department in France. Its entire collections have been given to this museum.


  • Catalog descriptif et méthodique des annelides et des mollusques de l'ile de Corse. Béchet & Tastu, Paris 1826.

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