Charlie Bone

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Charlie Bone is a fantasy -Romanreihe the British children's book - author Jenny Nimmo ; the English series title is Children of the Red King (German: Children of the Red King ).

In eight volumes, Nimmo tells the adventures of the title hero Charlie Bone , who develops his magical abilities in a boarding school for "particularly gifted" and normal children. The translations into German are by Cornelia Holfelder-von der Tann (Volumes 1 to 5), Caroline Fichte (Volumes 6) and Christa Broermann (Volumes 7 and 8).


When the first volume begins, Charlie Bone is still a very normal boy. He lives in the house across from his best friend Benjamin's and his dog Runnerbean .

Charlie Bones life changes abruptly when he discovers that he is the descendant of a magician , the African-born Red King . Like many in his family, he inherited a special talent from him: As soon as he looks at a photo or painting, he can hear the conversations of the people depicted there and the noises around them. Later he discovers that he can also travel into the pictures or take objects with him. His grandmother and her sisters, who, unlike his mother, are also descendants of the Red King, have long waited for his gift to appear and immediately send him to the Bloor Academy . At this boarding school, students with special skills in art, music and theater are taught, but also “special talents” like Charlie.

There he finds out more and more about his missing father and experiences dangerous adventures with his old and new friends, some of whom also have a special talent. He finds true friends and enemies, such as the director of the academy, his son and his great-grandfather Ezekiel Bloor.


Charlie Bone (* 1992) is the main character in the series. His gift, which he discovered at the beginning of the first volume, is to hear voices in photos and paintings. Over time, he develops this gift further and can even enter pictures and talk to those depicted on them. As Darkwood he is a descendant of the red king, on his mother's side he is descended from a Welsh wizard and can therefore use his powerful wand. When his grandmother Grizelda Bone sent him to the Bloor Academy, he was put into the music branch because his missing father was a talented pianist. In the fight against the Bloors and his great-aunts, he repeatedly puts himself in danger, but is supported by his friends. His family comes from Amoret. She was the tenth daughter of the red king and his wife, Queen Berenice.

Paton Darkwood (* 1957) is Charlie's great-uncle. He is hated by his four older sisters and supports Charlie in his projects with his knowledge of the Red King. He has the gift of being able to span electrical lines and splitting windows. As he often incandescent brings to burst, he avoids during the day to go out of the house. Most of his life he has been working on a book about his ancestors and the Red King. He is in love with the bookseller Julia Ingledew and can therefore often be found in the bookstore. At the end of the last volume he finally marries Miss Ingledew.

Amy (* 1967) and Maisie Jones (* 1935) are Charlie's mother and grandmother and live with him, Paton Darkwood and Grizelda Bone at number nine Filbert Street. Amy is a vegetable and fruit seller, Maisie cooks and cleans at home and argues with Charlie's other grandmother all the time.

Lyell Bone (* 1962) is Charlie's father, a talented piano player and organist, but has disappeared since Charlie was two. He was reportedly killed in a car accident. In reality, he was hypnotized by Manfred Bloor and disguised as a strange piano teacher at Bloor Academy. Later, Charlie can save his father.

Grizelda Bone (* 1937) is Charlie's mean and stubborn grandmother. She oversees her grandson and it is she who sends him to Bloor's Academy when he discovers his gift.

Lucretia (* 1942), Eustacia (* 1947) and Venetia (* 1952) Darkwood are Charlie's great aunts. Like their sister Grizelda, they are angry and do not shrink from any evil act. Lucretia is not gifted and is a housemother at Bloor Academy. Eustacia is a clairvoyant. Venetia, the slyest, is a seamstress of magical garments. She later marries just to win over the groom's gifted son, Eric Shellhorn.

Benjamin Brown is Charlie's neighbor and best friend. He's very shy and tearful and has a dog named Runnerbean. Since his parents are very busy detectives, Benjamin is often home alone. He doesn't go to Bloor Academy.

Fidelio Gunn goes to Bloor Academy like Charlie. In contrast to Charlie, he is musically gifted and masters several instruments. His huge musical family is not descended from the Red King. He is Charlie's first friend at the Academy and uses his lucid mind to help Charlie with his projects. He has his ears everywhere.

Emma Tolly (Emilia Moon) is a specially gifted girl whom Charlie and his friends break out of a trance . Even as a baby she was stolen by the Bloors, hypnotized by Manfred and given into the care of the Moons under the name Emilia. She is a talented draftsman and after her liberation lives with her aunt Julia Ingledew, who owns a bookstore. She can fly and turn into a bird. She is in love with Tancred Torsson.

Lysander Sage is a year older than Charlie, tall and of African descent. He is a talented sculptor and can conjure up the mighty spirits of his ancestors, who repeatedly bail him out, and especially Charlie.

Tancred Torsson is Lysander's best friend and also on the art branch of Bloors. He is very quick-tempered and has the gift of being able to conjure up rain, storm, wind and snow. He is in love with Emma Tolly. He was in a brief relationship with Tracy Morsell.

Olivia Vertigo is Charlie's old and a gifted actress. She stands out above all with her colorful hair creations and high heels . She is not particularly gifted at first, but over time she discovers that she can conjure up illusions. She is descended from Guanhamara, who fled the Red King's castle and married an Italian prince.

Billy Raven is an orphan boy who has lived on Bloor for several years. He is an albino and can talk to animals. His biggest wish is to be adopted, for which he even spies on Charlie and his friends. He is descended from Amadis, who owned the mirror lock. Thus, Billy is also the rightful owner of the mirror lock.

Gabriel Silk is a talented pianist and also very talented. He can sense the thoughts and feelings of others when he puts on their clothes. His family has been keeping the Red King's cloak for centuries.

Orvil Onimous is a small rodent-like man. He is exceptionally gifted and, with his huge wife, Onoria, owns a small cafe called the Happy Pet , a cafe for people and animals. He also helps the " flames ", three magical cats, with things that can only be done as a human being.

Julia Ingledew owns an old bookstore near the cathedral and is Tolly's Aunt Emma who lives with her. She has read all the books in her bookstore, so she knows a lot about the city. She is in love with Paton Darkwood.

Ezekiel (Zeki) Bloor (* 1902) is the grandfather of the headmaster Harald Bloor and thus Manfred's great-grandfather. He is a miserable magician and usually sits in a room in the west wing of the academy building, where he continues his grandfather Bertrams' attempt to create an artificial human being. He's already over a hundred and his face resembles a skull, plus he's in a wheelchair because Charlie's father Lyell Bone once pushed him onto the pavement.

Manfred Bloor (* 1985) is the son of the director of the Bloor Academy. He can hypnotize people, but loses this gift and develops that of his ancestor Borlath, the power over fire. At first he is a student, but will stay at Bloor's after graduating. He is descended from Borlath, the eldest and cruelest son of the red king.

Asa Pike is devoted to Manfred Bloor and carries out his orders at every turn. In the night he turns into a wolf-like monster. At first he is against Charlie, but later he helps Charlie to free his father. For this he is locked up by the Bloors, but can be freed again.

Dorcas Loom is particularly gifted, her ability to tailor magical garments, but initially remains in the dark. Until she met Yolanda Darkwood, she was happier.

Inez and Idith Branko are twins and are proficient in telekinesis, which means that they can move objects through the power of thought. You are distantly related to Zelda Dobinski, who left Bloor Academy.

Joshua Tilpin has magnetic powers, so it attracts objects and people. He is the son of the witch Titania Tilpin, who initially disguises herself as a nice music teacher Miss Crystal. It descends from Lilith, the eldest daughter of the Red King, and her husband, the wicked beggar Harken.

Eric Shellhorn can bring stone statues to life.

Dagbert Endlos is the son of Lord Grimwald, a drowning man whose gift he inherited. When he comes to school, he sticks to Charlie like a burr and drives his friends away. His mother took the gold from the teeth of drowned people and made seven talismans from it. When Tancred Torsson steals his sea gold creatures from Dagbert, he tries to drown him, but Emma saves Tancred.

Beth Strong and Zelda Dobinski are former Bloors students, both of whom have mastered telekinesis .

Bindi Loom was a friend of Olivia's. She leaves Bloor Academy after the second book.

At night, when the window is open, Naren Bloor can conjure up little shadow men who turn into letters.

Una Onimous can make himself invisible.


The German editions of the books were published by Ravensburger Verlag . Charlie Bone and the Scarlet Knight was released on February 1, 2010. According to information on Jenny Nimmo's homepage, this is also the last volume. All books previously published in German have also been published as authorized read versions by the Hörcompany , read by Peter Lohmeyer . The original versions (Great Britain) are published by Egmont UK. The first through fifth volumes were translated by Cornelia Holfelder-von der Tann, the sixth volume by Caroline Fichte and the seventh and eighth volume by Christa Broermann.


In the USA the books are published by Orchard Books. These differ from the UK editions in terms of the cover and, in some cases, the title. The third, sixth and seventh volumes are affected by a title change.

The eighth volume, Charlie Bone and the Red Knight. ISBN 978-0-439-84672-1 was released in the US on May 4, 2010.


  1. Jenny Nimmo's Homepage (English)