Charlotte Frohn

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Charlotte Frohn, lithograph by P. Rohrbach
"Charlotte Anno born. Frohn ”, Ohlsdorf cemetery

Charlotte Anna Frohn , married Charlotte Anno , ( December 14, 1844 in Regensburg - March 23, 1888 ) was a German theater actress .


After taking acting lessons from the actor Johann Friedrich Gley , she took the stage for the first time in Gdansk at the age of 14 . Then she came to the Friedrich-Wilhelm-Städtische Theater in Berlin , where she found the opportunity to take further lessons from Adele Glaßbrenner-Peroni (1813–1895). From Berlin she was called to Hamburg , after which she went to Saint Petersburg for three years . After returning to Germany, she made many guest tours and in 1880 accepted an engagement at the Hoftheater Darmstadt , but from there she was repeatedly called to Hamburg, Munich , Berlin, Wiesbaden , Amsterdam , Rotterdam , Dresden and other cities. She also achieved great success at the Berlin Residenztheater and the Carltheater in Vienna .

Since 1876 she was married to the actor and theater director Anton Anno .

On March 23, 1888, she died surprisingly at the age of 43 of blood poisoning , the result of an injury when cutting off a nail on her right middle finger with rusty scissors.

To “Charlotte Anno geb. Frohn 1840–1888 ”is remembered in the area of ​​the Althamburg Memorial Cemetery of the Ohlsdorf Cemetery on the right half of the double collective grave slab of the City Theater , located immediately to the left of the collective grave slab of the Thalia Theater .


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