Charlotte Lütkens

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Charlotte Lütkens , née Charlotte Mendelsohn , (born December 26, 1896 in Erfurt , † March 18, 1967 in Bonn ) was a German sociologist .


Charlotte Lütkens was 1,920 at the Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg with a thesis on transformations of liberal England by the war economy doctorate . She had studied with Alfred Weber and Emil Lederer in Heidelberg and with Franz Oppenheimer in Berlin. From 1920 to 1922 she was international secretary to the party executive of the SPD, from 1923 to 1927 she worked as a foreign correspondent for the Frankfurter Zeitung . In 1937, because of her Jewish origins, she emigrated to Great Britain, where she first worked as a research assistant to Karl Mannheim at the London School of Economics and then as a sociology lecturer at the University of London .

Charlotte Lütkens returned to Germany in 1949, and from 1955 she was a member of the board of the German Society for Sociology .

One of their most important sociological statements was the warning against the overvaluation of small communities , because these would only find justification for their existence within the framework of large groups. So one has to strive for a balance of the various groups that make up society and not particularly promote any,

Works (selection)

  • Expansion and dismantling of the planned coal economy in England , v. Zahn & Jaensch, Dresden 1921
  • The German youth movement . A sociological experiment , Frankfurter Societäts-Druckerei, Frankfurt am Main 1925
  • State and Society in America , JCB Mohr, Tübingen 1929
  • Women and a New Society , Adprint London 1946
  • The Myth of the Small Group , in: Festgabe für Alfred Weber , 1948
  • The picture from abroad , Oldenbourg, Munich 1959


  • J. Johannesson: Lütkens, Charlotte. In: Wilhelm Bernsdorf , Horst Knospe (ed.): International sociologist lexicon . 2nd edition, Vol. 1. Enke, Stuttgart 1980, pp. 258 f.
  • Klemens Wittebur: The German Sociology in Exile. 1933-1945. Lit, Münster / Hamburg 1991, p. 112 f (dissertation, 1989).

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