Charlotte Rieken

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Charlotte Rieken , née Schenk (born January 2, 1909 in Mülheim near Cologne , † January 22, 1996 in Berlin ), was a German politician ( SPD ).

Charlotte Schenk was a messenger at AEG and trained for office work. In 1927 she joined the SPD. From 1933 she worked as a nurse and from 1942 to 1945 as an office clerk at the C. Bolle dairy .

After the Second World War , Charlotte Rieken was initially a rubble woman and a warehouse clerk in Berlin the following year . In the first Berlin election in 1946 , she was elected to the city ​​council of Greater Berlin . Until 1954 Rieken was a member of the Berlin House of Representatives . In the 1958 election she was elected to the district assembly in the Tiergarten district, to which she belonged until March 1963.
