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State : GeorgiaGeorgia Georgia
Region : AdjaraAdjara Adjara
Coordinates : 41 ° 35 ′  N , 41 ° 39 ′  E Coordinates: 41 ° 35 ′  N , 41 ° 39 ′  E
Height : 80  m. ü. M.
Residents : 6,143 (2002)
Time zone : Georgian Time (UTC + 4)
Chelvachauri (Georgia)

Khelvachauri ( Georgian ხელვაჩაური ) is a district of Batumi and formerly independent Market town in the Autonomous Republic of Adjara in western Georgia .

View from the southeast over the Chorochi River to Chelvachauri

Chelvachauri is located in the Kachaberi plain on the right bank of the Chorochi River , about eight kilometers south of the city center of Batumi.

The administrative seat of the municipality of the same name is located in Chelwachauri ; however, the place itself no longer belongs to the municipality.

The area of ​​the city has always been populated since the Stone Age. The name Chelwachauri goes back to the family name Chelwachadze , which comes from the place. The place was given the status of an urban-type settlement in 1966 , corresponding to a present-day minor or small town (Georgian daba, დაბა ), and became the seat of a Rajon , from which the later municipality emerged. On January 1, 2013, Chelwachauri - like the minor city of Machindschauri and 14 surrounding villages to the northeast of Batumi on the Black Sea coast - was detached from the municipality and incorporated into the city of Batumi, which was directly subordinate to the Autonomous Republic. At the last census before the incorporation, Chelwachauri had 6143 inhabitants (2002).

Web links

Commons : Chelvachauri  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Population Census 2002 ( Memento of the original from September 24, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (English) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /