Chemistry Academy

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Chemistry Academy Graz
Location Triester Strasse 361

8055 Graz, Austria

founding 1962 (as a training institute for chemical engineers)
Students 72
Teachers 20th
Director Andrea Hickel

The Chemie Akademie is a private institution with public rights in the south of Graz ( Puntigam district ) that cooperates with business, research and the public sector. The training courses are the "College for Chemistry" and the "Foreman School for Technical Chemistry and Environmental Studies". In addition, further and advanced training courses (vocational maturity examination, preparation course for the final apprenticeship examination in chemistry, safety seminars) are in the portfolio of the training center.


College for Chemistry, specialization in technical chemistry

The college for chemistry is a 4-semester course to become a chemical engineer in the day form (5 days / week, approx. 39 hours per week). This builds on a completed high school diploma / university entrance qualification examination , which is therefore an admission criterion. The training begins with a basic knowledge of chemistry and is therefore suitable for beginners with any school leaving examination. A focus of this training and at the same time the distinction to the university study Bachelor chemistry is the practical portion in the laboratory of approx. 50%. The training concludes with a diploma thesis (during the 4th semester) and a diploma examination. After completing the apprenticeship and 3 years of relevant practical experience, you can acquire the qualification “ engineer ” through an expert discussion . According to the 2017 Engineering Act, this qualification is equivalent to a Bachelor's degree ( NQR 6).

Foreman school for technical chemistry and environmental technology

The master craftsman's school for technical chemistry and environmental technology is a 4-semester training based on a completed apprenticeship as a chemistry laboratory technician or in a chemistry-related profession. This training is offered part-time Friday afternoons and Saturday all day (at least 16 hours / week). This training also begins with basic knowledge of chemistry in order to compensate for differences in previous knowledge from different apprenticeships. Many companies use the foremen's school for further training of employees who have completed their apprenticeship in the company. The training concludes with a thesis and a final exam. As in the college, it is possible to acquire the qualification “engineer” (NQR 6) through an expert discussion before a committee, but after 6 years of relevant work in a company.

Further courses

The following courses are offered:


In class, emphasis is placed on practical experience in the chemical laboratory. Practical lessons make up around 50% of the time and are partly completed individually and partly in small teams of two. The laboratories are modernly equipped and allow teaching with state-of-the-art equipment and materials . Practical classes cover the entire field of chemistry, from inorganic chemistry to organic synthesis to wet chemical and instrumental analysis and biochemical work techniques. Safety in the laboratory comes first. In practice, you are prepared for your future job in the laboratory in order to be able to work independently and, above all, safely in chemistry. In theory lessons there is a mix of methods from frontal lessons to open forms of learning such as the LernRaum Chemistry, where the learning pace and the intensity of deepening in certain subject areas can be determined by yourself.


The Chemistry Academy Graz consists of a lecture hall, a seminar room, a library, several offices for teachers and administration, a laboratory for organic synthesis, a large laboratory for inorganic chemistry and 5 smaller measuring laboratories for analytical chemistry. Due to the size of the laboratories, the class size is limited to a maximum of 24 students, which enables individual supervision of the students. The laboratories and measuring rooms are state-of-the-art in terms of equipment and safety technology and thus correspond to industrial laboratories. As a result, there are collaborations with chemical companies in Styria and Carinthia - especially in the context of diploma theses.

School building and location

The chemistry academy is located on the premises of the Puntigam brewery on Triester Straße in Graz. The main entrance is located directly at Triester Straße 361 next to the entrance to the Brauhaus restaurant. The school premises (lecture halls, laboratories, offices) belong to the Puntigam brewery and are rented to the academy.


As a private school with public rights, the Chemistry Academy is subordinate to the Styrian Education Directorate, Education Region Central Area, in educational matters and is counted among the technical BMHS there . The school maintainer is the non-profit association "Chemie Akademie", which is committed to the financing and maintenance of the school. The academy is financed by subsidies from the Republic of Austria and the Province of Styria, student school fees and financial support from industry.

About 72 students are taught by 20 teachers at the Chemistry Academy, with 5 teachers working full-time at the Chemistry Academy. The other lecturers are each specialists in their fields at universities, in business and industry. To support the teaching staff, there are also employees for the laboratory, administration and cleaning.


The chemistry academy was founded in 1962 under the name "Lehranstalt für Chemotechniker". The reason for this was that there were too few specialists in the chemical field who were at a level similar to that of medical technical assistants. Anton Holasek, who had already trained medical-technical assistants in chemistry, biochemistry and laboratory technology, was particularly committed to this.

In the summer of 1962, at the suggestion of the chemical industry's specialist group, the “Association for the Promotion of the Training Institute for Chemical Engineers ” was founded in Graz, which functioned as a school- maintaining association. The representatives of the chemical industry also took decisive steps in the summer of 1962 to finance the school and the curriculum was roughly drafted. The establishment of the educational institution was also approved by the Federal Chamber of Commercial Industry - Industry Section, Professional Association of the Chemical Industry - and a letter was sent to chemical industrial companies in which the subsidies for the association were granted to maintain the educational institution and the companies were granted membership in the association was suggested.

The first contact with the Ministry of Education took place in 1965. Subsequently, the private school was established in accordance with the Private School Act, Federal Law Gazette No. 244/62, and public rights were applied for. Both were approved in 1966.

The school was initially housed in the premises of the Karl-Franzens-Universität, but the educational institution soon moved into the premises of the Joanneum Research Center at Elisabethstraße 11, where it remained until 2004.

In 1973 it was achieved that, after three years of professional experience, the graduates were given the professional title of "engineer" and thus were given the same status as graduates of technical colleges.

In 2003 the salaries of the teachers were taken over by the federal government as a living subsidy. The sponsorship money from the industry decreased significantly and full financing of the teaching salaries was no longer possible in any other way. The institute was also renamed to the Chemical Engineering School Graz, College for Chemistry.

In 2004 the school moved to the premises of the Puntigam brewery, Brau Union Österreich AG. New laboratories were adapted and equipped with state-of-the-art laboratory equipment. This very costly move was only possible with the support of the chemical industry.

In 2009 the first year of the foremen's school for technical chemistry and environmental technology started. Since then, this training has been offered every two years.

With the amendment of the Engineering Act 2017, the title of "Engineer" was upgraded and has since been recognized throughout Europe. This title, which is still after three years of professional experience after completing the college (or after 6 years in the foreman school), is no longer just a "professional title", but a qualification that is in the NQF (national qualifications framework) at level 6 ( equivalent to a bachelor's degree). In order to obtain the qualification "engineer", professional experience must be proven and further development since the completion of the training must be proven in a technical discussion before a committee.

In 2019 the name of the school, as well as the association that received it, was changed to "Chemistry Academy", as the term "school" was no longer appropriate for an adult education institution. Andrea Hickel has been the director of the Chemistry Academy since 2006 and Walter Gössler has been chairman of the school-maintaining association "Chemistry Academy" since 2014.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b contact persons. In: Retrieved April 16, 2020 .
  2. ^ College of Chemistry. In: Retrieved April 6, 2020 .
  3. RIS - Engineering Act 2017 - Consolidated Federal Law, version of April 6, 2020. In: Retrieved April 6, 2020 .
  4. Foreman School of Chemistry. In: Retrieved April 6, 2020 .
  5. Chemistry advanced and advanced training. In: Retrieved April 6, 2020 .
  6. Diploma theses | College of Chemistry. In: Retrieved April 6, 2020 .
  7. ^ Chemistry Academy. In: Retrieved April 6, 2020 .
  8. Anton Holasek, Alois Kernbauer: Die Lehranstalt - Das Kolleg - For chemical technicians in Graz: history and current status . Academic Printing and Publishing Company, Graz 1998, ISBN 978-3-201-01689-6 .
  9. RIS - Engineering Act 2017 - Consolidated Federal Law, version of April 6, 2020. In: Retrieved April 6, 2020 .