Chile Kingklip

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Chile Kingklip
Genypterus chilensis.jpg

Chile Kingklip ( Genypterus chilensis )

Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Viscera (Ophidiiformes)
Subordination : Ophidioidei
Family : Bearded male (Ophidiidae)
Genre : Genypterus
Type : Chile Kingklip
Scientific name
Genypterus chilensis
( Guichenot , 1848)

The Chile Kingklip ( Genypterus chilensis , Syn . : G. nigricans ) is a species of fish from the male bearded family (Ophidiidae). The eel-like bottom fish lives on the Pacific coast of South America from southern Peru to southern Chile . It occurs on rocky regions of the continental shelf and the continental slope and is common. It feeds on smaller fish, squids and crustaceans . The fish lay oval pelagic eggs that are held together by a gelatinous mass. Young fish live in shallower regions than the adults .


Genypterus chilensis grows up to 1.50 m long and weighs up to 15 kg. It is colored orange or pink. The head and back are dark with irregular light markings. The standard length is 4.5 times the head length. The dorsal fin has more than 135 fin rays , the anal fin more than 105. Both fins have grown together with the caudal fin to form a continuous fin edge.


The Chile Kingklip is a major edible fish and is caught commercially. In 1996, the FAO stated a catch of 982 t for Chile and a catch of 1121 t for Peru, where no distinction is made between Chile Kingklip and Genypterus maculatus . Native names for the edible fish are congrio or more precisely congrio colorado .


  • Nielsen, JG; Cohen, DM; Markle, DF; Robins, CR: Ophidiiform fishes of the world (Order Ophidiiformes). An annotated and illustrated catalog of pearlfishes, cusk-eels, brotulas and other ophidiiform fishes known to date. FAO Fisheries Synopsis. No. 125, vol. 18. Rome, FAO. 1999. PDF

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