Chlaenius festivus

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Chlaenius festivus
Chlaenius festivus, near Harkány, Hungary - 20100506.jpg

Chlaenius festivus

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Family : Ground beetle (Carabidae)
Subfamily : Chlaeniinae
Genre : Chlaenius
Type : Chlaenius festivus
Scientific name
Chlaenius festivus
( Panzer , 1796)
Chlaenius festivus head.jpg
Fig. 1: head Fig. 2: cutout bottom right end of the body
Chlaenius festivs under.jpg

Chlaenius festivus fleg.jpg
Fig. 3: Anterior tarsus
A: Male B: Female Fig. 4: Detail of the rear foot A: Length of the end spine of the rear splint B: Length of the 1st phalanx
Chlaenis festivus hleg.jpg

Chlaenius Festivus is a beetle from the family of ground beetles and the subfamily Chlaeniinae .

The genus name Chlaenius is from Altgr. χλαῖνα chlāīna "coat" derived and refers to the silky hairs that most species of the genus have, including the species described here. The species name festivus ( Latin festīvus, a, um ) means "cute".

Of the 16 European species of the genus Chlaenius , Chlaenius spoliatus and Chlaenius velutinus are very similar to the species Chlaenius festivus .

Characteristics of the beetle

The beetle grows to thirteen to sixteen millimeters. The upper side is metallic green, the wing-coverts have a striking pale yellow edge. The body is more rounded than that of Chlaenius spoliatus . From below you can see a thin yellow stripe next to the yellow, folded-down side edge of the wing covers, as the outer edge of the abdominal segments is also yellow (Fig. 2).

The mouthparts point forward, the end links of the jaw and lip probes are broadly rounded (Fig. 1). The forehead between the domed eyes is relatively wide, about four times as wide as an eye. Above the eyes there is only one pore point with a long bristle (supraorbital teta, not visible at all on the left in Fig. 1 and on the right only gradually rising in shadow in the third quarter of the eye about 10 ° to the horizontal). The eleven-limbed yellow antennae are thread-shaped and only more densely hairy ( pubescent ) from the fourth limb and therefore appear darker and more dull (the difference between the third and fourth antennae can be clearly seen in Fig. 1, left).

The laterally bordered, heart-shaped pronotum is completely golden green or copper red and without a yellow border. It is clearly and moderately densely dotted . The posterior corners are less blunt than in Chlaenius velutinus .

The green wing-coverts are clearly hairy and accordingly dull. The outer edge is provided with a light yellow wide stripe. This is clearly narrowed towards the front around the strongly developed shoulders ( hardly in Chlaenius spoliatus ); at the back it is once a little, not several times widened like a step The elytra are striped by rows of dots, the short row next to the label (scutellar stripe ) is followed by eight to nine further rows of dots. The intervals between the rows of points are all equally curved and finely dotted. The lateral edge of the elytra is turned under up to about the narrowing of the wing (Fig. 2).

The legs are yellow. The tarsi are five-part. The spike at the end of the rear rails is longer than half of the first tarsal link (Fig. 4). In the males, the three posterior tarsi links on the front legs are square (Fig. 3).


The beetle can be found in damp places, preferably on swampy banks. Beetles and larvae are predatory. In Hungary , the populations spread rapidly under favorable conditions and settled in high density flooded fields. In a study in Austria , the species was recorded in the biotopes "Alpine rivers with Myricaria germanica " and "Rivers with vegetation of Ranunculion fluitanits and Callitricho-Batrachion" and both times counted among the beetle species that " mostly have more or less vegetation-free alluvions occur directly at the water stop line and are "highly specialized in different grain sizes".


The species is mainly found in the eastern Mediterranean. In Spain the incidence is questionable. In Central Europe, the species occurs only in eastern Austria , Moravia , Slovakia and Hungary . To the east, the distribution area extends to Asia Minor and the Caucasus.


  • Heinz Joy, Karl Wilhelm Harde, Gustav Adolf Lohse: The beetles of Central Europe . tape 2 . Adephaga 1. Elsevier, Spektrum, Akad. Verl., Munich 1976, ISBN 3-87263-025-3 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Chlaenius festivus at Fauna Europaea. Retrieved February 14, 2011
  2. Sigmund Schenkling: Explanation of the scientific beetle names.
  3. Tallósi Béla: Az Észak-Alföld ritka Futóbogarai Tekintettel azok élőhelyvédelmi jelentőségére (The importance of habitat protection with regard to the rare ground beetle species of the northern Hungarian lowlands). A Puszta 2001. 1/18 pp. 28-48 as PDF
  4. Development of criteria, indicators and threshold values ​​for assessing the conservation status of Natura 2000 protected goods, Volume 3. Federal Environment Agency Austria as PDF
  5. List of countries for the occurrence  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  

Web links

Commons : Chlaenius festivus  - album with pictures, videos and audio files