Chlaenius spoliatus

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Chlaenius spoliatus
Chlaenius spoliatus.jpg

Chlaenius spoliatus

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Family : Ground beetle (Carabidae)
Subfamily : Chlaeniinae
Genre : Chlaenius
Type : Chlaenius spoliatus
Scientific name
Chlaenius spoliatus
( Rossi , 1792)

Chlaenius spoliatus is a beetle from the family of ground beetles , and the subfamily of Chlaeniinae . The species isassigned tothe subgenus Chlaenites .

The genus name Chlaenius is from Altgr. χλαῖνα chlāīna "coat" derived and refers to the silky hairs which most species of the genus have, but not the species described here. The species name spoliatus ( Latin spoliatus, a, to "deprived, poor") indicates that in this species the hair is very sparse.

Of the 16 European species of the genus Chlaenius , Chlaenius festivus and Chlaenius velutinus are very similar to the genus Chlaenius spoliatus .

Characteristics of the beetle

The beetle grows to fourteen to eighteen millimeters. The top is metallic green, the wing-coverts have a striking pale yellow edge.

The mouthparts point forward, the end links of the jaw and lip probes are broadly rounded. The penultimate link of the lip button has no bristles. This feature distinguishes the species from all other European species of the genus Chlaenius . There is only one pore point with a long bristle above the curved eyes (supraorbital table). The eleven-limbed yellow antennae are thread-shaped and only have denser hair ( pubescent ) from the fourth limb .

The laterally bordered, heart-shaped pronotum is completely green. It has a longitudinal groove, is wrinkled across and only finely dotted in between .

The green wing-coverts appear bare, the sparse hairiness is only visible on the edge. The outer edge is provided with a light yellow wide stripe. This is only slightly narrowed towards the front around the strongly developed shoulders ( stronger in Chlaenius festivus ), at the back it is once a little, not several times widened in a step-like manner. The wing cover seam can also be lightened yellowish. The elytra are striped by rows of dots, the short row next to the label (scutellar stripe ) is followed by eight to nine further rows of dots. The intervals between the rows of dots are all equally arched and without any noticeable dots, only scaly meshed and sparsely wrinkled. The lateral edge of the elytra is turned under up to about the narrowing of the wing.

The legs are yellow and somewhat weak for ground beetles of this size. The tarsi are five-part. In the males, the three posterior tarsal links on the front legs are square.


The beetle can be found on swampy or sandy banks and does not avoid salt water (halotolerant). He usually appears sociable and the individuals enter into food competition. In the case of the larvae, the density can be up to thirty larvae per square meter. The larvae actively search for prey on the soil surface. They have long abdominal appendages ( cerci ) and in the last larval stage are 16 to 16.5 millimeters long (without cerci), the cerci 9.5 to 10 millimeters. In the experiment, in contrast to other ground beetle species, despite the high density, no cannibalistic tendencies or even only aggression were found, possibly suppressed by frequent contact by means of the cerci.


Within Europe, the beetle occurs mainly in southern Europe and southern central Europe. In Central Europe it is reported from Czechoslovakia , Hungary and Austria ( Neusiedler See , Burgenland , Lower Austria and more recently Styria ). From Germany are more than a hundred years ago again discoveries. Overall, the beetle is classified as rare to extremely rare in Central Europe. Outside of Europe, the beetle can still be found in North Africa and parts of Asia.


  • Heinz Joy, Karl Wilhelm Harde, Gustav Adolf Lohse: The beetles of Central Europe . tape 2 . Adephaga 1. Elsevier, Spektrum, Akad. Verl., Munich 1976, ISBN 3-87263-025-3 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Chlaenius spoliatus spoliatus in Fauna Europaea. Retrieved February 13, 2011
  2. Sigmund Schenkling: Explanation of the scientific beetle names
  3. ^ A. Massolo, P. Brandmayr, T. Bonacci, T. Zetto Brandmayr Peace in ground beetle larvae: non-aggressive outcome in Chlaenius spp. larvae interactions Ethology Ecology and Evolution, Vol 16, No 4 (2004) as PDF
  4. ↑ First discovery in Styria 2000 (PDF; 4.2 MB)
  5. Recovery in Germany ( Memento of the original from September 10, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  6. Red List (PDF; 2.9 MB)

Web links

Commons : Chlaenius spoliatus  - collection of images, videos and audio files