Choir of the Frauenkirche Dresden

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Choir of the Frauenkirche Dresden
Seat: GermanyGermany Dresden
Carrier: Frauenkirche Dresden
Founding: 2005
Genus: mixed choir
Founder: Matthias Grünert
Head : Matthias Grünert
Voices : 100 ( SATB )
Website :

The choir of the Frauenkirche Dresden was founded in 2005 by Matthias Grünert . Alongside the chamber choir of the Frauenkirche Dresden and the Ensemble Frauenkirche, it is the third large ensemble of the Dresden Frauenkirche .

The more than 100 honorary singers dedicate themselves to the diverse musical tasks at the Frauenkirche. In addition to the concerts there, the choir can also be heard regularly in guest performances in northern and central Germany. There is a continuous musical collaboration with the Bad Elster , Gera and Chemnitz theaters .

The repertoire focuses on numerous a cappella motets on choral works from the 19th century, including Requiem settings by Gabriel Fauré , Felix Draeseke and Johannes Brahms , Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy's Paulus and Elias and Anton Bruckner's Te Deum , as well as mass settings by the Bach family and Joseph Haydn , Anton Bruckner and Charles Gounod or Edward Elgar's The Dream of Gerontius .

The choir presented itself to the audience for the first time in 2006 with the Brahms Requiem . Since then, great choral symphonic works from the Romantic era have been performed at least twice a year .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Frauenkirche Dresden Foundation → Music (as of 12/2014)