Christians Raunkiær

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Christen C. Raunkiær, ca.1930

Christen Christiansen Raunkiær (born March 29, 1860 in Ravnkærgård near Lyne, † March 11, 1938 in Frederiksberg ) was a Danish botanist . From 1912 to 1923 he was professor of botany at the University of Copenhagen . Its official botanical author's abbreviation is “ Raunk. ".


After studying biology (finished in 1885) Raunkiær was from 1893 to 1911 a research assistant at the Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum in Copenhagen .

Raunkiær became known for the way in which plants were classified according to life forms . This is based on the position of the survival buds in relation to the soil surface. There are therophytes , cryptophytes , hemicryptophytes , chamaephytes and phanerophytes distinguished. This concept , which is still widely used in ecology today, was published as early as 1905, and the English-language publication from 1934 is also often cited.


  • C. Raunkiær (1905): Types biologiques pour la geographie botanique. Bulletin Academy of Royal Science (Denmark) 5: 347-437
  • C. Raunkiær (1934): The Life Forms of Plants and Statistical Plant Geography , Oxford University Press

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