Christian Albrecht Wolters

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Christian Albrecht Wolters (born July 7, 1716 in Oldenburg (Oldb) ; † April 8, 1799 ibid) was an Oldenburg conference councilor and office director.


Wolters studied law and entered the Oldenburg civil service as secretary of the government chancellery in March 1739 . At that time the law firm was the highest administrative and judicial authority of the counties of Oldenburg and Delmenhorst , which were linked in personal union with the Kingdom of Denmark . Wolters spent his entire civil service career in this agency and worked his way up to the top. In 1741 he was appointed to the chancellery and in 1747 to the judiciary . In 1752 he was briefly advocatus fisci et camerae , in 1755 he received the title Real Judicial Council and in 1773 the title Budget Council.

After the transition of the counties to the younger line of the Gottorf family through the Treaty of Tsarskoye Selo in 1773, Wolters remained in the service of the chancellery, one year later became its vice director with the title of a conference council and finally took over the management in March 1781 under Duke Peter I. He held this position until his death.


Wolters married Christina Amalia, born on August 7, 1754. von Hendorff (1740–1804), the daughter of the General War Commissioner and Postmaster Johann Georg von Hendorff (1703–1775) and sister of the Oldenburg Chamber Director Friedrich Wilhelm von Hendorff (1738–1798).
