Christian August Jacobi

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Christian August Jacobi (born May 25, 1688 in Grimma ; † after 1725 ) was a German composer.


Christian August Jacobi was the son of the cantor of the Princely School Grimma Samuel Jacobi and can be identified for the first time in 1699 when his father performed a Historia Resurrectionis .

He then attended the universities of Leipzig and Wittenberg, where he studied theology from 1714 and held the office of organist. In 1717 he took up the position of Kapelldirektor in the service of Duchess Luise Elisabeth von Sachsen-Merseburg at her widow's residence in Forst (Lausitz) , which he held until 1721. He then applied unsuccessfully in 1721 to succeed his father as cantor in Grimma. He left ten church cantatas.

His best-known work, the Christmas cantata The sky is open to us again , was written in 1718 (premiered on Christmas Day in the castle chapel of the residential palace of Duchess Luise Elisabeth of Saxony-Merseburg in Forst (Lausitz)) and was performed in 1725 in the presence of him and his brother Samuel Franciscus Jacobi, who was music director in Wittenberg , performed there again.


  • Cantata So God has loved the world (1708, V (4), Coro, strings, bc)
  • Cantata Let me, oh Jesus always (1709, T, Coro, bc)
  • Cantata My sins go over my head (1711, V (4), Coro, strings, bc)
  • Cantata Heaven is open to us again (1718, T, strings, tr (2), org)
  • Cantata Christ, he is my life (V (6))
  • Cantata Herr now you let your servant go in peace (1717, T, fl, ob, bc)
  • Cantata Says Where Should I Find Jesus (1726, S, strings, ob, org)
  • Cantata My sins are upon my chief (for the 3rd Sunday after Trinity)

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Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang Hanke: The sky is open to us again. Christian August Jacobi - a brilliant musical talent as a band director in the baroque forest. In: Forster Yearbook for History and Local History 2008. Forst (Lausitz) 2007, p. 78.