Guerra Constitucionalista

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The Guerra Constitucionalista was an armed conflict in Nicaragua between the Partido Conservador and the Partido Liberal for the presidency. It lasted from May 1926 to May 4, 1929.



On October 25, 1925, Emiliano Chamorro Vargas launched a coup against José Carlos Solórzano Gutiérrez . Solórzano remained president until January 16, 1926. The Emiliano Chamorro Vargas government was not recognized by the US government because it came about as a result of a coup. In May 1926, the previous Vice President Juan Bautista Sacasa was proclaimed president of the Partido Liberal in Puerto Cabezas . The party relied on the constitution that in the absence of the president, the vice-president takes over his functions. The troops of his Partido Liberal controlled the Miskito coast from Bluefields to the mouth of the Río Grande de Matagalpa .

Landing of the US military

On May 6, 1926, cruiser No. 19 USS Cleveland (1903-1930) reached Bluefields. The USMC landed on May 7, 1926 and declared a neutral zone , which marked the beginning of the second US military intervention in Nicaragua .

On November 14, 1926, Adolfo Díaz , the accountant of the US mining company The Rosario and Light Mines Co. became president again.

“Puerto Cabezas, Nic. December 23, 1926. Memorandum for Dr. Sacasa, the afternoon conversation is confirmed. The following area is hereby declared a neutral zone: Puerto Cabezas and Bilwi , including the surrounding area at a distance of two miles, in which no weapons, ammunition, knives, etc. are carried. No recruitment or other activities to conduct hostilities may take place in the neutral zone. Doctor Sacasa and his troops are allowed to leave the neutral zone by water with their weapons until December 24, 1926 4:00 p.m., if they so wish, otherwise they must disarm themselves and hand these weapons over to the commander of the Cleveland landing forces. The broadcaster is only allowed to send pure messages and these messages are not allowed to influence the pursuit of hostilities. "

- ( First Officer ) Spencer S. Lewis Lieutenant Commander USN Commander of the USS Cleveland landing forces in Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua

Pacto del Espino Negro

With the Pacto del Espino Negro was Guerra Constitucionalista ended. José María Moncada was until May 4, 1929 Division General of the troops of the Liberal Party , then closed it in Tipitapa with the US special envoy Henry L. Stimson under Espino Negro the Pacto del Espino Negro . As an interpreter, Moncada brought his nephew Anastasio Somoza García with him, who was subsequently entrusted with setting up the Guardia Nacional de Nicaragua .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Not a Jot, Not a Tittle . In: , November 12, 1928 (English).