Christian Dietrich von Schlieben

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Christian Dietrich von Schlieben († 1680 ) was the owner of Vetschau and the surrounding villages in Niederlausitz .


He was the eldest son of Eustachius II von Schlieben auf Vetschau and Hypolita, née von Stradow. Christian Dietrich von Schlieben was a Cornett (ensign) in the Saxon army. In 1641, after the death of his father, he took over the estates Vetschau, Seese , Buckow , probably also Suschow and Weißag , as well as the debts connected with them. Because of the high taxes that he, like others, had to pay to the billeted Swedish troops in the Thirty Years War , he got into great financial difficulties. Later Christian Dietrich also took over the Stradow and Göritz estates for his cousin Erdmann von Schlieben , which is why he also had to deal with lawsuits.

marriage and family

Christian Dietrich von Schlieben was married to Anna Maria von Löben († 1677). Children were

  • Christian Dietrich (II.) Von Schlieben († 1721), owner of Vetschau and other villages, who in 1688 sold Vetschau to Duke Christian I of Merseburg and bought it again in 1715 from Otto Wilhelm von Tümpling .
  • Erdmuthe Tugendreich, married to Friedrich von Loeben auf Brodtkowitz


Individual evidence

  1. For the mother see Doris Teichmann : Vetschauer Geschichte im 30-Jahre Krieg (VIII). In: Vetschauer Mitteilungsblatt . 2/2010. P. 23
  2. ^ Doris Teichmann: Vetschauer history in the 30-year war (VI). In: Vetschauer Mitteilungsblatt . 10/2009. P. 21 pdf
  3. C 17. 4392 Brandenburg State Main Archive