Christian Friedrich Carl zu Castell-Remlingen

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The count in an oil painting around 1770

Christian Friedrich Carl Graf and Herr zu Castell-Remlingen (also Christian Friedrich Karl ; born February 26, 1730 in Castell ; † October 15, 1773 ibid) was ruler of the Grafschaft Castell from 1735 to 1773 .

The county before Christian Friedrich Carl

Before the rule of Count Wolfgang Christian Friedrich Carl, there was a split into two lines in Castell, which had been carried out in the course of the 16th century. The Counts of Castell-Rüdenhausen had their residences in Wiesenbronn and Rüdenhausen, while their relatives of the Counts of Castell-Remlingen were in Castell and Remlingen. As a result, the dominion was divided and exposed to the Thirty Years' War of the 17th century even more defenseless.

The generation that had been born during the war pushed for the reconstruction of the destroyed areas and also began to renew the representative palace buildings. In addition, one began to take over some administrative tasks in larger gentlemen in the area. Among the Count's direct predecessors, the Grafschaft Castell-Remlingen was divided into four regional portions.


Christian Friedrich Carl was born in Castell on February 26, 1730, the first-born son of Count Wolfgang Georg II and his wife Friederika, née Countess zu Ortenburg . Three other sons of the father died in childhood, so that the young count grew up with four sisters. After the early death of his father in 1735, Christian Friedrich Carl came under the guardianship of his mother, as well as Count Hector Wilhelm von Kornfall and Philipp Heinrich zu Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen in 1736 .

In 1752 the Count was declared of legal age by Emperor Franz I Stephan . Now he took over the government of the county in Castell. In 1762 he inherited the possessions of his cousin Christian Adolf Friedrich Gottlieb . In 1767 he also received the inheritance from uncle August Franz Friedrich. When his youngest uncle Ludwig Friedrich died in 1772 , the entire Castellisch-Remlingische property was in the hands of the count. Count Christian Friedrich Carl died in Castell on October 15, 1773.

Marriage and offspring

Count Christian Friedrich Carl married his distant relative Katharina Hedwig Countess zu Castell-Rüdenhausen on October 25, 1761 in Rüdenhausen . He had four children with her, but only two of them reached adulthood. Albrecht Friedrich Karl was established as his successor.

  • Albrecht Friedrich Carl (born May 2, 1766 in Remlingen, † April 11, 1810 in Castell)
  • Christian Ludwig Ferdinand (born April 14, 1768 in Rüdenhausen; † December 16, 1768 in Remlingen)
  • Karoline (born April 22, 1770 in Rüdenhausen, † May 19, 1771 in Remlingen)
  • Christian Friedrich (born April 21, 1772 in Remlingen, † March 28, 1850 in Rüdenhausen)


  • Max Domarus: The portraits in Rüdenhausen Castle . In: Friends of Mainfränkischer Kunst und Geschichte eV (Hrsg.): Mainfränkische Hefte. Issue 46 . Volkach 1966.
  • Wilhelm Engel: House u. Reign of Castell in Franconian history . In: Society for Franconian History (ed.): Castell. Contributions to the culture and history of home and dominion. New Year's Sheets XXIV . Würzburg 1952. pp. 1-19.
  • Otto Meyer: The Castell house. State and class rule over the centuries . In: Otto Meyer, Hellmut Kunstmann (ed.): Castell. State rule - castles - status lordship . Castell 1979. pp. 9-53.

Web links

Commons : Christian Friedrich Carl zu Castell-Remlingen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Meyer, Otto: The Castell House . P. 28 ff.
  2. ^ Domarus, Max: The portraits in the castle Rüdenhausen . P. 51.
  3. Castell family tree , accessed March 27, 2015.
predecessor Office successor
Christian Adolf Friedrich Gottlieb Count of Castell-Remlingen
Albrecht Friedrich Carl
Christian Friedrich