Christian Friedrich Kranich

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Christian Friedrich Kranich (* 1784 in Arnstadt , Duchy of Thuringia ; † February 5, 1849 in Hemberg SG , Switzerland ) was a conservative poet and Reformed theologian .


He was born in Arnstadt and later worked as a country pastor in various parishes in Zurich and Eastern Switzerland . From 1811 to 1818 his work as a pastor in Krinau is attested. From 1818 to 1849 he officiated as pastor in the Toggenburg parish of Hemberg, which despite its small size had a Catholic and a Reformed pastoral office and two church buildings. In 1835, Kranich was elected to the St. Gallen Cantonal Council. From 1836 he also held the office of the district school council. From 1837 at the latest, he also presided over the Protestant church council.


His best-known works are the volume of sermons Allusions of the Visible from the Invisible and the travelogue How I saw Wädenschweil again with the subtitle Something to Revive the Patriotic Sense . The writings are excellent examples of conservative values and patriotic thinking during the Swiss Restoration . His works criticize the collapse of morals and increasing industrialization . Despite his Biedermeier image of society, he does not shy away from comparing the Swiss population with that of ancient Rome . Kranich was also engaged in writing and collecting poetry .

List of publications

  • Flowers of nature and religion in poems . Glarus 1821.
  • Hints of the visible from the invisible in several sermons . Glarus 1822. [1]
  • At the end of the day of prayer, what would our forefathers attach to our hearts if they appeared to us today? A sermon on afternoon prayer day . Glarus 1822.
  • How I saw Waedenschweil again . Ebnat 1823. [2]
  • Song collection for the Obertoggenburg Saengerverein . 1825-1827.
  • The sinner's repentant confession: God be gracious to me! A sermon, go to Trogen in Hemberg on Sunday after the execution of a twenty-one-year-old boy, born in Hemberg . Trogen 1834.


  • Michael D. Schmid: Crane's trip to "Waedenschweil". A valuable travel report from the Biedermeier period , in: Yearbook of the City of Wädenswil 2015 , pp. 82–91.
  • J. Bühler: History of the community of Hemberg , Lichtensteig 1879, p. 12.
  • Johann Friedrich Franz: Church news about the Protestant communities of Toggenburg's cantons of St. Gallen, Ebnat 1824, pp. 95 and 128–129.
  • Karl Goedeke , Edmund Goetze: Outline of the history of German poetry from the sources. 2nd Edition. Ehlermann, Leipzig 1929, vol. 12, p.  173http: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/1%3D~GB%3D~IA%3DGoedekeGrundrissZurGeschichteDerDeutschenDichtung-2-12~MDZ%3D%0A~SZ%3Dn192~ double-sided%3D~LT%3D173~PUR%3D  f.
  • Hans Martin Stückelberger: The Protestant Pastors of the Canton of St. Gallen , St. Gallen 1971, p. 263.
  • Hans Martin Stückelberger: Hemberg 878-1978 , Hemberg 1978, pp. 98-99.