Christian Friedrich Sintenis

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Christian Friedrich Sintenis (Dresden 1793) , portrayed by Johann Gottfried Schmidt (1764–1803)

Christian Friedrich Sintenis (born March 12, 1750 in Zerbst ; † January 31, 1820 in Zerbst) was a German Protestant theologian, writer of edification and storyteller.


The son of Johann Christian Sintenis first attended school and the illustrious grammar school in his hometown. He then went to the University of Wittenberg on May 27, 1767 , where he studied theology and philosophy until 1770 and was ordained as assistant preacher in Niederlepte in 1771 .

He took up this office in 1772, became pastor in Bornum the following year , in 1787 he was in the administration of the provost and superintendent in Lindau , then a deacon at the St. Trinity Church in Zerbst and pastor there in 1791. He also held a professorship in Lutheran theology and metaphysics at the Academic Gymnasium in Zerbst until 1798 .

As a popular preacher, he made services to the organization of the poor, wrote edification literature, factual information in the tradition of the house fathers literature , novels, historical treatises and politically significant utopias .


  • Trakimor, or the golden land , 2 volumes, Leipzig 1787/88; probably a translation
  • Theodor , 2 volumes, Berlin 1786
  • Elpizon, or about my persistence in death. , Part 1; Danzig 1795, part 2; Zerbst 1804 and part 3; Leipzig 1806
  • Man in the vicinity of his duties. , 2 volumes, Leipzig 1804 and 1807
  • Father Roderich among his children, Wittenberg 1783, Leipzig 1817
  • People's joys from my garden in Zerbst, Frankfurt am Main, Leipzig 1778 and more often
  • Hello happy evening, Leipzig 1783, 1787
  • Robert and Elise, 2nd parts Leipzig 1786
  • Flemming's story , 3rd parts Leipzig 1789–92
  • Hours lived for eternity , Berlin 1791/92
  • Letters on the most important objects of mankind , 4 volumes, Leipzig 1794–98.
  • Dialogues between the sexton Ehrentraut and the dignitaries of his village , 2 parts, Berlin 1796
  • Sunday book to carry true home improvement. , 5 parts, Leipzig 1801-1803, 1813.
  • Oswald, the old man or my last belief. , Leipzig 1813, 1820


  • Friedrich Wilhelm von Schütz : CF Sintenis life and work, as a person, writer and pulpit speaker. A biographical sketch with regard to several of his writings / edited by FW von Schütz. Zerbst: Adolph Friedrich von Schütz, 1820
  • Helmut Möller: Christian Friedrich Sintenis A forgotten author at the end of the house fathers days. In: Journal for German Philology (ZfdPh) vol. 78, 1959, pp. 164–180
  • Franz Kindscher:  Sintenis, Christian Friedrich . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 34, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1892, p. 401 f.

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