Christian Galinski

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Christian Galinski (born September 9, 1944 ) is a qualified Japanologist and communication scientist . He has been Director of the International Terminology Information Center Infoterm since 1986 .


Christian Galinski studied Japanese Studies, Sinology and Communication Studies at the University of Bonn from 1967 to 1971 . After completing his studies, he spent two years in Japan doing research on "The History of Japanese Education". From 1976 to 1979 Galinski worked as a sworn and court-certified translator by the Vienna Regional Court . In 1977 he founded the "East Asia Language Service", a language service company with a focus on the Asian region. In 1979 he started working at the International Information Center for Terminology (Infoterm), where he was appointed director in 1986. The aim of the center is the international standardization of terminology. At the same time as managing Infoterm, he was also appointed secretary of the ISO committee ISO / TC37 “Terminology (principles and coordination)”. He (co-) initiated the establishment of networks and collaborations in East Asia and Europe both through Infoterm and the ISO committee:

  • the European Institute for Technical Documentation and Information Management (Eurodoc)
  • the German Terminology Day (DTT)
  • the Ibero-American Terminology Network (RITerm)
  • the Japanese Society of Terminology (JTA)
  • the Chinese Terminology Network (Chine TermNet)
  • the Society for Terminology and Knowledge Transfer (GTW)
  • the international terminology network (TermNet)
  • the International Institute for Terminology Research (IITF)

Christian Galinski has been teaching at the Center for Translation Studies at the University of Vienna a . a. Translation of technical and legal texts using the language combination Japanese.

Functions and memberships

  • Director of INFOTERM (since 1986)
  • Secretary of ISO / TC37 Terminology (principles and coordination) (since 1986)
  • Managing Director of the International Terminology Network (TermNet) (since 1988 and 1992/1993 Vice President)
  • Secretary General of the Society for Terminology and Knowledge Transfer GTW (since 1991)
  • Project Advisory Board at the International Institute for Terminology Research IITF (1989–1995)
  • since 2009: advisory role at CNIS (Chinese National Institute for Standardization)
  • Member of the RaDT - Council for German-Language Terminology

He is also the initiator of various workshops of the Information Society Standardization System of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN / ISSS):

  • CEN / ISS / WS / eCAT Multilingual eCataloguin and eClassification
  • CEN / ISSS / WS / eTOUR harmonization of data interchange in tourism
  • CEN / ISSS / WS / eCAT-ePPS Electronic Product Property Server
  • CEN / ISSS / WS / eCAT-CC3P Classification and catalog systems for public and private procurement
  • CEN / ISSS / FG-CDC Interoperability of computer sensitive product dictionaries and classifications
  • CEN / ISSS / FG-eSME Best practices of practical applications in the use of eBusiness standards for European SMEs

Research priorities

  • Terminology work
  • Terminology standardization
  • Terminology planning and knowledge transfer
  • computerized terminography

Publications (selection)

  • Standardization, especially terminology standardization, as a factor influencing the quality of translations. In: M. Snell-Hornby, HG Hönig, Paul Kussmaul, PASchmitt: Handbuch Translation. 2. verb. Edition, Stauffenburg, 1999. ISBN 3860579924
  • in collaboration with L. Hoffmann, H. Kalverkämper, HE Wiegand, W. Hüllen: Fachsprache - An international handbook for specialist language research and terminology science / Languages ​​for Special Purposes - An International Handbook of Special Languages ​​and Terminology Research. New York, de Gruyter Mouton. ISBN 978-3-11-018751-9
  • Exchange of standardized terminologies within the framework of the standardized terminology exchange network (STEN). In Richard A. Strehlow, Sue Ellen Wright (Eds.): Standardizing and Harmonizing Terminology: Theory and Practice, Issue 1223. pp. 141-157. ISBN 0803119844
  • Why standards? Why interoperability? In: Andreas Blumauer, Tassilo Pellegrino: Semantic Web. Paths to a networked knowledge society. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2006, 47–71. ISBN 3540293248
  • Knowledge Transfer to / from Countries with Languages ​​using Non-European Scripts. In: Terminology and Knowledge Engineering (Vol. 2) 1990: pp. 622-630. ISBN 3-88672-205-8
  • in collaboration with Karel Van Isacker: Standards-Based Content Resources: A Prerequisite for Content Integration and Content Interoperability. In: Computers Helping People with special needs, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 6179. pp. 573–5979, Springer: 2010. ISBN 978-3-642-14096-9
  • in collaboration with Jürgen W. Goebel: Guidelines for terminology agreements. Vienna: TermNet, Internat. Network for Terminology, 1996. ISBN 3-901010-17-3
  • in collaboration with Gerhard Budin: Thesaurus and terminology providing access to reference knowledge in environmental information systems. In: Ingetraut Dahlberg, P. Stanciková: Environmental knowledge organization and information management: Proceedings of the First European ISKO Conference. Pp. 14-16, Sept. 1994, Bratislava, Slovakia. Frankfurt / Main 1994, 65-73. ISBN 978-3-88672-601-1
  • as editor: Terminology and Knowledge Engineering: Proceedings. International Congress on Terminology and Knowledge Engineering. Indeks-Verlag, Frankfurt: 1987. ISBN 3-932004-21-3

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Official website of Infoterm
  2. Official announcement of the workshops by Infoterm