European Committee for Standardization

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EuropeEurope European Committee for Standardization
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position European standardization organization by Regulation (EU) No. 1025/2012 Article 2 Paragraph 8
Consist since 1961
Headquarters Brussels CEN-CENELEC Management Center Avenue Marnix 17
management Friedrich Smaxwil (President) , Elena Santiago Cid (Director General)

The European Committee for Standardization  ( CEN ; French Comité Européen de Normalization ; English European Committee for Standardization ) is a private, not-for-profit organization whose mission is to promote the European economy in global trade, to ensure the well-being of its citizens and the Promote environmental protection. This should be done with the help of an efficient infrastructure for the development, administration and distribution of Europe-wide coherent standards and specifications that are accessible to all interested parties. CEN is one of the three major standardization organizations in Europe .

CEN is responsible for European standards  ( EN , the abbreviation “ Euronorm ” is incorrect) in all technical areas except electrical engineering and telecommunications . The following two institutions are responsible for these areas:

In a growing number of overarching areas such as smart grids , e-mobility or medical technology , CEN and CENELEC are jointly responsible for the definition of architectural models and the associated standardizations.

Comité Européen de Normalization

CEN was founded in 1961 by the national standardization bodies of the member states of the EEC and EFTA and is based in Brussels ( Belgium ).

The 34 CEN members work together to develop voluntary European standards in various industrial and service sectors. The aim is to achieve a single market for goods and services in Europe by removing technical barriers to trade. At the same time, the European economy should be enabled to play an important role in the global economy. More than 60,000 experts and industry associations, consumers and other social interest groups are involved in the work in CEN. The results of this activity reach over 490 million people. CEN is the officially recognized standards organization for all areas except electrical engineering and telecommunications.

The standardization organizations of the 34 national members represent the EU member states , three members of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and countries that will join the EU or EFTA in the future. CEN contributes to the objectives of the EU and EFTA with the help of voluntary standards (EN) that support free trade, product safety, occupational and consumer protection, interoperability of networks, environmental protection, use of research results.

The CEN members are the standardization organizations of the following countries
Belgium , Bulgaria , Denmark , Germany , Estonia , Finland , France , Greece , Great Britain , Iceland , Ireland , Italy , Croatia , Latvia , Lithuania , Luxembourg , Malta , Netherlands , North Macedonia , Norway , Austria , Poland , Portugal , Romania , Sweden , Switzerland , Serbia , Slovakia , Slovenia , Spain , Czech Republic , Turkey , Hungary , Cyprus .
Affiliate members
Albania , Bosnia and Herzegovina , Montenegro .
Partner standardization organizations
Armenia , Australia , Georgia , Israel , Jordan , Cameroon , Canada , Kazakhstan , Morocco , Moldova , Mongolia , New Zealand , Tunisia , Ukraine , Belarus .

European standardization strategy 2020

As a result of the entry into force of the European regulation on European standardization (1025/2012), which created a new political framework and a clear legal basis for European standardization, the three recognized bodies of the European standardization system CEN, CENELEC and ETSI created a draft for the European Standardization strategy 2020 drawn up. This strategy is intended to define the strategic goals of the European standardization system in order to strengthen and expand its efficiency and competitiveness in Europe.

The draft of the European standardization strategy 2020 contains general objectives of the European standardization system and objectives of CEN and CENELEC in particular, which are to be achieved by 2020. These concern the global influence, the regional relevance and the broader observation by users and creators of norms and standards, regulators and society. The draft emphasizes the role of CEN and CENELEC as a competence network and sustainable system and the possibility of promoting European growth and innovation through norms and standards.

Management and departments

  • Friedrich Smaxwil (Germany), President
  • Elena Santiago Cid, Director General

Head of department:

  • Mike Low (UK), Vice-President Policy
  • Jorge Marques dos Santos (Portugal), Vice-President Finance
  • Ernst Peter Ziethen (Germany), Chairman Technical Board

European standard (EN)

Standard number
  • A part of the standard is appended with a hyphen (e.g. Part 1 of EN 3 as EN 3-1), then DIN EN 3-1 or ÖNORM EN 3-1 as a national standard
  • The year of publication of the version is noted after a colon , e.g. B. DIN EN 462-2: 1994
  • The month of publication of the version is noted with a hyphen after the year of publication, e.g. B. DIN EN 462-2: 1994-06

The category: European standard provides an overview of articles for European standards by standard number .

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Sectors - CEN-CENELEC .
  2. CEN - CEN Community - Members - List of members .
  3. CEN - CEN Community - Affiliates .
  4. CEN - CEN Community - CSBs - List of CSB .
  5. European Standardization Strategy 2020 at
  6. Strategic objectives for the European standardization system to 2020 at