Christian Klasmeier

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Christian Klasmeier (born February 28, 1894 in Bad Meinberg ; † June 1, 1974 in Detmold ) was the head of various trade supervisory offices .


After attending school (upper secondary qualification), Christian Klasmeier took on practical activities in machine factories and on January 30, 1915, obtained the higher education entrance qualification as a non-student at the Oberrealschule in Münster. He studied at the Polytechnic in Köthen , three semesters at the Technical University of Darmstadt and - interrupted by military service - also three semesters at the Technical University of Hanover . On May 16, 1920 he was a graduate engineer. Initially employed as a trainee trainee at the Hanover Trade Inspectorate, he moved to the Münster Trade Inspectorate in October 1920 and became a trade assistant there. After working in various trade supervisory offices, most recently as a trade council in Bochum, he became head of the statistical department of the Oberpräsident in Münster. After changing to the Reichsdienst, Klasmeier became head of the Münster branch of the Reich Ministry of Economics and, on December 1, 1938, head of the military economics department. In January 1939, he was transferred back to the Oberpräsidium Münster, took over the management of the district economic office and was then chief government director in the management staff of the state economic office. Shortly before the end of the war, he was released by the British military government on May 1, 1945 ; Government Vice President Klein suspended him from duty. In the denazification process, he was classified in category V - followers - on July 1, 1948, as a collective bargaining employee at the Münster Trade Inspection Office, became provisional head of the Trade Inspection Office in Bielefeld and its head on October 1, 1949. On October 1, 1952, he retired at his request.

Klasmeier was a member of the NSDAP (since 1933) and the SA .


  • Joachim Lilla : Senior administrative officials and functionaries in Westphalia and Lippe (1918-1945 / 46). Biographisches Handbuch, Münster, Aschendorff Verlag, 2004, p. 191, ISBN 978-3-402-06799-4 .

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