Christian Lieberkühn

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Christian Lieberkühn (* March 1709 in Berlin ; † April 1769 there ), also Christian Lieberkühn the Elder. J. , was a royal Prussian court goldsmith in Berlin and old master of the guild .


Christian Lieberkühn was the son of the Royal Prussian court goldsmith Johann Christian Lieberkühn (1669–1733). He married Dorothea Elisabeth Pfund on March 11, 1734, and the marriage had eight children: five boys and three girls. His son Johann Adolph (* 1738) also became a goldsmith. Around 1736 Christian Lieberkühn became the elder of the Berlin goldsmiths' guild; his apartment was at Neue Friedrichstrasse 36.

Supported by Frederick II (1712–1786), he went on study trips to London and Paris, where he visited the famous goldsmith's workshops.

He was buried on April 17, 1769 in Berlin.


Among other things, Lieberkühn made a silver balcony, the so-called trumpeter choir, installed in the knight's hall of the Berlin city palace in 1739 (cost: 90,000 Thaler, melted down in 1744 to finance the Silesian Wars by Friedrich II and replaced with a silver-plated wooden copy). 1741 a gold dinner service for 126,736 thaler, 1746 a silver dinner service, 1764 a second gold dinner service for 85,175 thaler, as well as other silver services, silver chandeliers and coin jugs popular at the time .


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Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang Scheffler: Berlin goldsmiths . Berlin 1968, p. 106.
  2. Wolfgang Scheffler: Berlin goldsmiths . P. 188.
  3. Wolfgang Scheffler: Berlin goldsmiths . Berlin 1968, p. 106.
  4. silver dinner service for Potsdam-Sanssouci at