Christian Ludwig Johann Behm

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Christian Ludwig Johann Behm , also Christian Ludwig Behm (born July 28, 1728 in Neustadt (Mecklenburg) ; † August 21, 1804 in Rostock ), was a German lawyer and from 1796 mayor of Rostock.


Christian Ludwig Johann Behm was the son of the theologian Carl (Christian) Behm (1695–1777) and his wife, the pastor's daughter Anna Lucia, geb. Witling (1701-1728). He grew up with an uncle in Stettin and attended the large city school there. In 1745 he traveled back to his native Mecklenburg and lived with another uncle in Bützow , where he received private lessons for two years. After attending the large city school in Wismar from 1747 to 1749, he studied law at the Rostock University . He received his doctorate in 1757 and then held lectures in Rostock until 1762. In 1768 he became procurator at the Rostock Higher Court, and in 1775 procurator of the ducal consistory in Rostock. From 1779 Behm sat on the city council and was responsible for the supervision of the city archive and the large city school . In 1784 he inherited the Rostock printing works of his father-in-law, Johann Jakob Adler (the younger), and thereby became head of the Rostocker Zeitung . In 1796 he became one of the mayors of Rostock .


  • Grete Grewolls: Who was who in Mecklenburg and Western Pomerania. The dictionary of persons . Hinstorff Verlag, Rostock 2011, ISBN 978-3-356-01301-6 , p. 701 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Matriculation portal of the University of Rostock