Christian Nyby

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Christian Nyby (born September 1, 1913 in Los Angeles , California , † September 17, 1993 in Temecula , California) was an American film director and film editor with Danish ancestors.

Live and act

He began his film career in 1943 as editor of the war film Destiny Tokyo . A year later he worked for the first time for the director Howard Hawks and his literary film Have and Not have . Two more joint films followed: 1946 Dead Sleeping Soundly and two years later Red River , for which Christian Nyby was nominated for an Oscar in 1949 . Their fourth and last work together was The Big Sky , in German cinemas in a heavily abridged version z. B. shown under the title Trapper on the Missouri , in 1952. This film was also the last production in which Nyby was responsible for the film editing .

In 1951, Nyby made his debut as a director with the science fiction film The Thing From Another World . However, this did not result in a career as a feature film director; instead, Christian Nyby worked as a television director for various television series until the mid-1970s . In the early 1970s he directed several episodes of the Emergency Call California series . Other productions in which he was involved several times included tennis rackets and cannons , Bonanza and A Thousand Miles of Dust .

His son Christian I. Nyby II, born in 1941, also works as a director.

Filmography (selection)

As a director

As an editor

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