Christoph Gottehr Burghart

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Christoph Gottehr Timotheus Burghart (born August 2, 1683 in Prauss, Nimptsch district in Silesia , today Kolaczów , Gmina Dzierżoniów in Poland; died February 14, 1745 in Reichenbach am Eulengebirge in Silesia (today Dzierżoniów in Poland)) was a German poet and doctor .

life and work

Burghart studied from 1701 to 1704 in Wittenberg , where he also received his doctorate . During his student days he was friends with Christian Hölmann , also a physician and editor of parts 4 and 5 of Benjamin Neukirch's anthology , in which he included numerous gallant poems written by Burghart at that time , which are identified by the initials CGB . As an example, the third stanza of He Loves Without Hope :

But alas! kanstu leave?
Hate Kanstu?
Saladin Lisetten's splendor /
Oh in vain: whether I should /
Whether I want /
No one is in my power /
I would rather be spirit and life /
Give again /
Before my heart gives up faithfully /
Whether the chains of
Lisette would
still have bad hope /
Stay I'm in love with her.

In 1704 Burghart began to work as a general practitioner and married Anna Rosine Bischof, a merchant's daughter from Breslau , who is probably identical to "Lisette", "Lisillis" and "Elise" from Burghart's poems. The author appears in the poems under the name "Saladin". From this marriage comes an only son, Gottfried Heinrich Burghart , like his father a respected doctor and writer. Burghart later also became mayor of Reichenbach. He published medical writings in Latin , but no more poetry after 1704.


  • De malo sic dicto hypochondriaco. Wittenberg 1703.


  • Christian Hölmann : Galante poems with Christoph Gottehr Burghart's poems. Edited by Franz Heiduk. Kösel, Munich 1969.
  • Mr. von Hoffmannswaldau and other Germans exquisite and as yet unprinted poems. Benjamin Neukirch's anthology. Edited by Angelo George de Capua and Ernst Alfred Philippson . Niemeyer, Tuebingen.
    • Part 4. After printing in 1704 with a critical introduction and reading styles. Edited by Angelo George de Capua and Erika A. Metzger. 1975, ISBN 3-484-17037-9 (numerous poems by Burghart)
    • Part 5. After printing in 1705 with a critical introduction and reading styles. Edited by Erika A. Metzger and Michael M. Metzger. 1981, ISBN 3-484-17047-6 (Poems Burghart, pp. 138-141).


  • Walter Dimter: Two Silesian poets of the gallant period identified. Christian Hölmann and Christoph Gottehr Burghart. In: Schlesien 14 (1969), pp. 196-200.
  • Franz Heiduk : The poets of gallant lyric poetry. Studies on the Neukirch collection. Bern & Munich 1971, ISBN 3-7720-0931-X .
  • Erika A. Metzger: Burghart, Christoph Gottehr. In: Wilhelm Kühlmann (Ed.): Killy Literature Lexicon . Authors and works from the German-speaking cultural area. 2., completely revised Ed. De Gruyter, Berlin 2008, vol. 2, p. 306 f.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Benjamin Neukirch's anthology. Theil 4. 1704, p. 165 f.