Franz Heiduk

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Franz Heiduk (born June 12, 1925 in Breslau ) is a German high school teacher who worked as a biographer , lexicographer and editor .


Franz Heiduk began studying engineering at the State Building School in Wroclaw . After three semesters, he was committed to military service in Neisse in 1942 . In Neisse he got to know the Eichendorff House and became a member of the Eichendorff Foundation . In July 1944 he was assigned to the Eastern Front, was wounded and was taken prisoner of war by the Soviets. There he was forced to work in the asbestos factories. In 1949 Franz Heiduk was released from captivity, came to West Germany and supported his father in rebuilding the construction business in the Upper Palatinate .

He made up his Abitur and began studying at the University of Erlangen in 1956 . From 1957 Franz Heiduk continued his studies at the University of Frankfurt with the historian Walter Schlesinger , from whom he learned source-centered scientific work. He passed both state exams, decided in 1965 to become a teacher in German, history and social studies and taught at a grammar school in Frankfurt.

Franz Heiduk switched to the Bavarian school service in Würzburg in 1966 and became involved in the Silesian cultural center headed by Karl Schodrok . He devoted himself to Germanistic Baroque research , especially Galant Poetry, and received his doctorate (Dr. phil.) From Paul Stöcklein in Frankfurt in 1970 with a dissertation on Galant Poems . He then published the monograph Die Dichter der Galanten Lyrik in 1971 at A. Francke Verlag in Bern . Studies for the Neukirch collection on the poetry of Benjamin Neukirch . From the beginning of the 1970s to the end of 1975, Franz Heiduk was the sole editor of the almanac Aurora - Yearbook of the Eichendorff Society, and afterwards he wrote several treatises and essays there. As of 1975 Franz Heiduk worked as a teacher in higher education ministry of the Institute of Political Sciences at the University of Würzburg .

Franz Heiduk published the poetry of Erdmann Neumeister for the first time in 1978 at A. Francke Verlag . From 1984 to 1993 he published the collected works in three volumes with the poetry of Christian Hofmann von Hofmannswaldau at Georg Olms Verlag . The diaries of Joseph von Eichendorff he gave in 2006 with Ursula Regener as a band XI of the Historical-critical edition (HKA) out.

Between 1990 and 2000 Franz Heiduk wrote the three-volume standard work Oberschlesisches Literatur-Lexikon. Biographical-bibliographical manual published by Palatina-Verlag.

Fonts (selection)

  • Aurora. Yearbook of the Eichendorff Society .
  • Dietmar Stutzer: The goods of the Lords of Eichendorff in Upper Silesia and Moravia . Eichendorff Society 1974 → New edition: Jan Thorbecke Verlag, Ostfildern 1997, ISBN 978-3-7995-1801-7 .
  • Erdmann Neumeister : De Poetis Germanicis hujus seculi . A. Francke Verlag, Bern 1978, ISBN 978-3-7720-1324-9 .
  • Silesian baroque. Literature, history, art . Silesian Cultural Foundation 1979.
  • Wolfgang Frühwald : Joseph von Eichendorff. Life and work in texts and pictures . Insel Verlag, Berlin 1988, ISBN 978-3-458-32764-6 .
  • Christian Hofmann von Hofmannswaldau: Collected works . (Three-part work):
    • Volume 1, part 1: German translations and dishes . Olms, Hildesheim 1984, ISBN 3-487-07445-1 .
    • Volume 1, Part 2: German translations and dishes . Olms, Hildesheim 1984, ISBN 3-487-07446-X .
    • Volume 2. Curriculum studiorum and other printed works . Olms, Hildesheim 1993, ISBN 3-487-09376-6 .
  • Augustin Weltzel : History of the noble and baronial family of Eichendorff (= Aurora book series . Volume 7). Jan Thorbecke Verlag, Sigmaringen 1992, ISBN 3-7995-2030-9 .
  • Fritz Posch: Carmina Sowjetica . E. Posch, Graz 1996 → DNB 949890472
  • with Ursula Regener: Joseph von Eichendorff: Historisch -kritische Ausgabe (HKA). Volume XI / 1 Diaries. and Volume XI / 2 Commentary . Verlag Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2006, ISBN 978-3-484-15537-4 .


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