Christoph Heinrich Korn

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Christoph Heinrich Korn (born 1726 in Tübingen ; died 1783 in Stuttgart ) was a Swabian lawyer, lieutenant, novelist and author of contemporary history.

Today his works are no longer known to the general public; in literary studies he is mainly recognized as a novelist. During his lifetime, however, Christoph Heinrich Korn received special recognition for his comprehensive work “History of the Wars in and Outside Europe” , in which he described the American Revolution in a detailed and pointed manner for a German audience.

After studying law in Tübingen, Korn is said to have entered the Dutch army in 1747. After his time in the military, he moved back to his Swabian homeland. From 1759 he worked in Stuttgart as a freelance writer. He lived in Ulm between 1769 and 1776, but later returned to Stuttgart.

The Allgemeine Literaturzeitung of January 29, 1785 reported that the last volume of the “History of Wars in and Outside Europe” had now been published posthumously and paid tribute to the life's work of the now deceased author:

This work began in 1776, and the North American Revolution was the first to do so. [...] Anyone who knows (sic) what sources and resources can be found to write a recent history will certainly not demand more from the author than he has done. This work certainly belongs among the most useful materials, and all the more so because it is accompanied by geographical and statistical explanations, as well as with plans and prospectuses (sic) of strange places and regions.


  • Moser, Johann Jacob : Würtembergisches Schehrten-Lexicon: so vil concerns the now-living Würtembergian writers. - Stuttgart, 1772. - 2 vols.
  • Meusel, Johann Georg : Lexicon of the German writers who died between 1750 and 1800 / elaborated by Johann Georg Meusel. - Leipzig: Fleischer, 1802–1815. - 15 vols.
  • General scholarly lexicon : Continuation and additions to Christian Gottlieb Jöcher's general scholarly lexico, in which writers of all classes are described according to their most distinguished living conditions and writings / by Johann Christoph Adelung. [Vol. 3–6] by Heinrich Wilhelm Rotermund. [Vol. 7] by Otto Günther. - Leipzig [et al.]: Gleditsch [et al.], 1784-1897. - 7 vols.
  • Albrecht Weyermann : New historical-biographical-artistic news from scholars and artists, including old and new aristocratic and middle-class families from the former imperial city of Ulm / from Albrecht Weyermann. - Ulm, 1829
  • Literature Lexicon: Authors and works in the German language / ed. v. Walther Killy. - Gütersloh [et al.]: Bertelsmann, 1988-1992. - 12 vols
  • German Biographical Encyclopedia / ed. v. Walther Killy and Rudolf Vierhaus. - Munich [et al.]: Saur, 1995-1999. - 10 vols

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